Learning Opportunities Outside NESD - Counts as High School Credit

Saskatchewan Hockey Association and Good Spirit School Division

Earn a 20 Level High School Credit and Become Certified as a Hockey Official through the Saskatchewan Hockey Association (Good Spirit School Division)

The course elective, Hockey Officiating 20L provides students the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the rules of the game, mental preparation required, Code of Ethics, positioning, as well as procedures as mandated by the Saskatchewan Hockey Association and Hockey Canada.


Work Within Your Existing Timetable

In addition to the existing courses in your high school timetable, students can enrol in our online course and study at a pace, time and place that works for them. Course notes, instructional videos, and related resources are online and accessible 24 hours a day.

Our teacher is available to answer questions, clarify content and offer guidance through email, Zoom, phone as needed.

You will have the support of our DLS High School Facilitator and our Technical Support Team to help facilitate technical requirements and associated difficulties.


Available for All Saskatchewan Learners

The Good Spirit School Division will offer the Hockey Officiating 20L Course to learners across the province in both Semester 1 and 2. Students taking the course during Semester 1 will be enrolled in a 10-hour certification course during the second week of September. The cost of certification set by Hockey Canada is $100 for all students wanting certification. This fee must be paid directly to that entity. Students taking the course in Semester 2 will receive high school credit, however they will not receive certification as the deadlines will have passed.

Students within GSSD can take only the certification portion, the certification and credit course, or only the credit course. For students outside of GSSD, the tuition cost of the Hockey Officiating 20L course is $300 payable to the Good Spirit School Division.  This tuition is in addition to the certification cost mentioned above.

The Hockey Officiating 20L will be available through the Moodle platform. The course is designed for students to work at their own pace through the digitized modules. A Master Instructor will deliver the course through Zoom to all students enrolled.

Each week enrichment and intervention opportunities will exist through a synchronous format for students to participate in through Zoom. The sessions will involve a variety of guests who are or who previously were affiliated with the Saskatchewan Hockey Association, the Western Hockey League (WHL) as well as the National Hockey League (NHL) who are hockey officials, hockey players, trainers etc.

The Hockey Officiating 20L course has been approved through the Ministry of Education as a High School Credit. Likewise, the Saskatchewan Hockey Association has endorsed this class as an opportunity to “provide more in-depth discussion and understanding of the role of an official above the required hours of training that is implemented by Hockey Canada to be a certified official. We are excited of the possibilities that this course may expose new participants to officiating hockey and help with the development of those who have already been certified officials in past seasons.”

 – Trent Cey (SHA Manager, Officiating Development)


Hockey Officiating 20L Course Overview Outcomes:

Register:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaboO6h_cHb9WlvUSf95UK5dorGKFZ7Ex_qCWf7A_QqMVPZg/viewform 

Contact Us for More Information:  Email: Lisa.Katchin@gssd.ca  or Jason.Trost@gssd.ca 

**You pay the tuition and there is no reimbursement from NESD

Edwards School of Business University of Saskatchewan

COMM 101:  Introduction to Business

Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Get both Saskatchewan Polytech and high school credit at the same time. If you are a Saskatchewan high school student thinking of becoming a Saskatchewan Polytechnic student in the future, consider dual credit.  Dual credit allows you to simultaneously earn Saskatchewan high school credit and Sask Polytech credit.

University of Regina

High School Accelerated students can earn dual credits or special project credits for their high school transcripts with this program.

University of Saskatchewan

Lifeguard 30L


Steps to Receiving Credit for Lifeguard 30L

Northern Lights Canadian National Conservatory of Music

As of February 2017, CNCM has been approved for school credit recognition in SK.   Below are the corresponding CNCM courses with the appropriate credits and codes.  


Saskatchewan Safety Council

Saskatchewan Safety Council Special Project Credit

Athabasca University

First Nations University - University of Regina

Lakeland College

SHAD Canada

Canada’s STEAM and Entrepreneurship Program

Parkland College

Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT)


Collège Mathieu 
