Local Resources & Information

Arborfield School

Bjorkdale School

Carrot River Junior and Senior High School - Graduate Information

Hudson Bay Community School - HBCS Career Planning

L.P. Miller Comprehensive School - Student Academic Services

Melfort & Unit Comprehensive Collegiate - Post Secondary Timeline - Scholarships -

Naicam School

Porcupine Plain Comp. School

Star City School

Tisdale Middle and Secondary School - Academic Counseling and Career Services

William Mason School

Graduating from an NESD High School

myBlueprint Transition: from NESD email to personal email. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RM551eJlCoFFI0w6-i6cOhUP3BvwqxHs/view?usp=sharing

Google Transition: Take your school documents and emails with you. Instructions: Google - Getting Ready to Graduate.pdf