High School Planning

NEW:  Dual Credit Early Childhood Education (ECE) Certificate of Achievement: Jan-June 2025

NOW AVAILABLE:  Sask Post Secondary Pre-Requisites - high school requirements for post secondary courses and careers  

Students Leaving NESD but Intending to Return - information for students leaving NESD for sport or other opportunites but intending to return to their "home" school.

Math Planning

Science Planning

Adult 12 Education


myBlueprint NESD Student SCHOOL Access - https://app.myblueprint.ca/ 

myBlueprint NESD Student HOME Access instructions - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zk6HJIPxTXjXlpftIb-PHxG8TnnZvvFq/view?usp=sharing 

myBlueprint All About Me and Education Planner resources

myBlueprint High School Planner info - https://myblueprint.ca/support/videos/education-planner/5mkKYKkTpm44U2WQKmkQIm

myBlueprint Post Secondary Planner info - https://myblueprint.ca/support/videos/education-planner/5mkKYKkTpm44U2WQKmkQIm 


Requirements:  minumum 24 credits as outlined in Saskatchewan High School Credit Options 2023 

myBlueprint Transition:  from NESD email to personal email.  myBlueprint Grade 12 Transistion to Personal Account 

Google Transition:  Take your school documents and emails with you.  Instructions:  Google Takeout to Transfer Drive & Gmail Content from School to Personal Account