Information Technology

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Career Cluster - Information Technology


Pathway 1: Information Support and Services

Careers in Information Support and Services involve IT deployment, including implementing computer systems and software, providing technical assistance, and managing information systems. Successful IT deployment - implementation of computer systems and software, provision of technical assistance, creation of technical documentation, and management of information systems - is critical to the success of most 21st century organizations. People with expertise in Information Support and Services are in high demand for a variety of positions in organizations of all sizes and types, doing work such as integrating multiple databases at a global investment company, enabling employees to share information between international offices, and improving service to customers.

Sample Occupations

Pathway 2: Network Systems

Careers in Network Systems involve network analysis, planning and implementation, including design, installation, maintenance, and management of network systems. Successful establishment and maintenance of information technology infrastructure is critical to the success of almost every 21st century organization. People with expertise in Network Systems are in high demand for a variety of positions in organizations of all sizes and types, doing work such as creating and maintaining the infrastructure in medical facilities that enables multiple doctors to view the same patient's X-rays in real-time to determine the diagnosis and the best treatment.

Sample Occupations

Pathway 3: Programming and Software Development

Careers in Programming and Software Development involve the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of computer systems and software, requiring knowledge of computer operating systems, programming languages, and software development. People with expertise in programming and software development work with cutting-edge technologies to develop tomorrow's products for use by businesses and consumers. While many of the career opportunities in this area are in software companies, large organizations of other types - such as Financial Services and Business - also offer many opportunities. People with expertise in programming and software development are in high demand, doing work such as creating the software that launches and runs NASA space shuttles.

Sample Occupations

Pathway 4: Web and Digital Communications

Careers in Web and Digital Communications involve creating, designing, and producing interactive multimedia products and services, including development of digitally-generated or computer-enhanced media used in business, training, entertainment, communications, and marketing. Organizations of all types and sizes use digital media (the World Wide Web, CD-ROM, DVD) to communicate with existing and potential customers, to track transactions, and to collaborate with colleagues. Web and digital communications experts can find employment opportunities in organizations of all sizes and types, doing work such as creating e-business auction Web sites that allow people around the world to buy and sell items in real-time.

Sample Occupations