Nelson County Public Schools

 Family Literacy Website

Welcome Families!

Welcome to the NCPS Family Literacy site. Within this website, you will find reading resources that were carefully gathered by the NCPS reading team.  We hope these resources will help support your child's literacy growth and answer questions that you have about reading.  

RRES and TRES Literacy Nights

What's Happening in Nelson!

NCPS 2023 Book Bus Schedule

Title I Parent Newsletter

Title I News

Winter 2024

Special Title 1/ELL Event 

The Wintergreen Nature Center came to school for Title I and ELL K-2 students on December 20 and 21, 2023.  Students learned how specific animals hibernate, adapt, or migrate as they are "Preparing for Winter." The presentation for Grades 3-5 informed students about "Virginia's Watershed and Natural Resources."

Title I/ELL Outing for Grades 4-6:

Title I and ELL students in grades 3-6 went to the Wintergreen Nature Foundation on November 3rd and 4th, 2022.

And in the classrooms...

7th grade students working on informational text structure and summarization using combined Thinking Maps (Flow map and Tree map)

Students as teachers!

Busy Kindergartners!