What is Required of Students at KVA?

Success for one student may not be success for another student. Passing a difficult course may be success for one student, while achieving more than 90% may be another student's measure of success.

Success by KVA's standards is exactly the success achieved by a KVA student as they progress towards and reach their goals.

With respect to the self-directed nature of KVA, there is a wide spectrum of possibilities when articulating student goals. In many cases, students goals include passing courses, graduating high school and gaining admission to university.

But in some cases, students attend KVA for other reasons. Perhaps...

  • there were some negative experiences at a previous school, and attending KVA is likely to reduce or eliminate those experiences?
  • the flexibility of KVA's education model is more consistent with the student's schedule and will help that student more effectively reach his/her goals?
  • the student has other interests that he/she wishes to pursue during the school day (music, dance, sports, ...)?
  • the self-pacing aspect of KVA is better suited to a student who constantly felt "behind" at a previous school?
  • the self-pacing aspect of KVA will allow a student to learn and progress as a higher rate than at a previous school?
  • the student just wants to work on his/her own, learning his/her own way, toward achieving 100% in every course?
  • the student has a different plan other than graduating high school for the purpose of admission to university, and the usual Nova Scotia curriculum does not suit that student's need, so KVA is appealing because we can offer a wide variety of courses and opportunities, custom made for that student?

The reality is that every student has a unique combination of needs and goals. Each of the above scenarios indicates unique needs of a student which should guide setting goals and determining success.

Just as students and their parents/guardians/agents look for certain characteristics in a potential school, KVA's approach to education also recognizes certain characteristics as predictors of success.

  • understand expectations on student from school/home/oneself...
  • the ability to set appropriate goals (setting goals to match expectations)
  • taking responsibility toward reaching those goals
  • taking responsibility for academic work
  • engagement in academic work
  • track progress as you work toward meeting goals
  • asking questions, ranging from explaining a specific concept, through recommendations for useful resources, to asking where to begin

All students have the potential to learn and become competent with these characteristics, as long as that student has goals consistent with academic success.