Welcome to West Clermont High School, the home of the WOLVES! We look forward to a rewarding, challenging and fun four years. Students attending West Clermont High School will benefit not only from state-of-the-art facilities but also from the opportunity to select from a wide range of challenging, high-interest courses that will help set all students on a course for success no matter what their post-secondary plans may entail.

This site contains the course options for students in grades 9-12 at West Clermont High School. It is intended to help students carefully select the courses they will take throughout their high school career. Students should develop a high school plan that will help them reach their educational, occupational, and personal goals. Students, together with their parents, teachers and counselors, should review this information prior to completing their course selection sheet for next school year. Students should pay close attention to course prerequisites and to make sure your required courses are completed in time for graduation. It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the scheduling policies and procedures contained in this site and to see that all graduation and award requirements are met.

Counselors, teachers, and administrators are prepared to assist with selections.   Welcome to the pack!