EV Charging

Setting up your 

Blink Account...

Use this tutorial to get charging with our new Blink stations! 

1) Download the Blink App; create your account - must use your SMCCD email.

2) Go to the "Account" page.

3) Go to "Membership."

4) Click on "Private Access."

5) Input the code: EV4SMCCCD

6) Done! Approval can take up to one business day.

7) After 4 hours of free charging, you will be charged $3/hour at the start of the hour. [Please move your car after 4 hours to allow others to charge]. Parking fee of $3/hr will also automatically kick in once a car reaches full charge, regardless of the hours charged.

Charging with


Use this tutorial to get charging with our new Blink stations! 

1) After plugging in your car, open the Blink App

2) Go to My Location 

3) Select Private Access

4) Click on your campus

5) Select the serial number of the station you are using

6) Press Start Charge and get charging!

Setting Up Your Chargepoint Account...

On the computer

1) Go to your account homepage at www.chargepoint.com and sign in

2) Then click (or tap) on “Connections”

3) Enter the connection code: EV4SMCCCD

4) Apply to join the group


Once you have applied to join the group, you will need to enter your SMCCCD "G number". Please have it ready type it in as requested (just the number, please). Once you complete everything, it will take about a half hour to process through the system.

On the mobile app

1) Click on this link to download the ChargePoint Mobile App

2) Enter the connection code: EV4SMCCCD

3) Accept the Terms and Conditions

4) Enter your SMCCCD "G number"

5) Connect

6)    After 4 hours, you will be charged $5/hour incrementally. [Please move your car after 4 hours to allow others to charge]

District Electric Vehicle Charging Policy:

District Electric Vehicle Charging Station Regulations:

Parking in District Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations is limited exclusively to electric vehicles that are actively charging with a maximum time limit of 4 hours per vehicle. Electric vehicles do not require a parking permit while parked in a charging station and while actively charging.

After the four hour maximum time limit, any vehicle parked in an EV space is in violation and will be subject to a citation. There will be an additional $5 per hour fee, with a maximum fee of $20 per session. 

“Actively charging” for the purpose of this regulation means physically plugged in to a charging station. Public Safety will only determine and investigate that an electric vehicle is connected to a charging station.

Links & Resources