Global Climate Action


Climate change is one of the greatest threats to human prosperity, and it has already begun to affect the Bay Area and greater California community. SMCCCD is working towards reducing it's footprint in parallel with engaging, empowering, and enriching SMCCCD's students, faculty, and staff to become more impactful global citizens.

Our Goals

1)   Produce zero emissions by 2050

2)   Engage, empower, and enrich SMCCCD's students, faculty, and staff to become impactful global citizens

Integrating Equity into Global Climate Action

Climate change is expected to disproportionally affect low-income communities that are the least responsible for climate change emissions. Not to mention the disproportionate burdens that will be shouldered by future generations. 

As a tax-supported community college District that benefits from being located in a high-income county, SMCCCD has the means, and therefore the responsibility, to be a climate action leader in the California Community Colleges system. In its Climate Action Plan and process, the District prioritizes equitable stakeholder engagement and transparency.

1st: San Mateo is the most at risk county from sea-level rise in CA

By the Numbers

Background Information

Local Impacts of Climate Change

Sea Level Rise

Did you know that San Mateo County is the most at-risk county in California from sea level rise? More than 90,000 residents, including over 50,000 who represent racial and ethnic minorities, live on land less than 3 feet above the high tide line along the San Francisco Bay.


In 2021, California experienced almost 2,500 wildfires, which burned a total of over 15,000 acres of land (about half the size of San Francisco). The fires damage land and property, displace people and animals, and pollute the air with smoke and particulates.


In addition to hurting agriculture, drought results in damaged forests, worse wildfires, reduced hydroelectricity generation, stressed fish populations, and depleted groundwater aquifers.

Global Solutions to Climate Change

Developed and adopted by the United Nations in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address a variety of global challenges, including poverty, inequality, peace, justice, environmental degradation, and (of course) climate change, which threatens to make each issue even more severe. 

Climate change is inherently a global and intersectional challenge, but as with all challenges, there is a great opportunity for intersectional collaboration and global solutions.

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Featured Projects

Climate Action Plan

SMCCCD's Climate Action Plan (CAP) provides a comprehensive assessment of GHG emissions across the District and details plans to reduce said emissions (get to carbon neutrality). To create this plan, the Sustainability Team is working with consultants at Brailsford & Dunlavey, who have extensive experience doing climate action planning for institutions of higher education. 

Brailsford & Dunlavey Logo

Additional Resources

At Home

Start with you! Use Google's "Your Plan, Your Planet" tool to learn about sustainable strategies at home.

On Campus

Visit our "Get Involved" page to see what clubs, events, and other opportunities are available on campus.

In Your Community

Check out volunteer and internship opportunities with local organizations making change from the ecological to the policy level.