Meet the Team

Utility and Sustainability Coordinator, Jessica Ho (she/her)

Growing up, Jessica has spent half of her time in California and the other half across the Pacific Ocean in Taiwan. The two distinct cultures, natural resource and geography has shaped her world view and sparked creativity in her work. She's been fascinated by Bay Area's entrepreneurial spirit while she studied Masters of Development Practice Degree at UC Berkeley. Along with a group of like-minded folks, she has co- founded a sustainability popup museum, the Museum of Tomorrow, to capture the attention of youth & young adults through a playful, action-oriented approach. The Museum can be found traveling in the Bay Area cities.

In addition to outreach, Jessica has been working on systematical decarbonization and resource conservation at SMCCCD as the Sustainability Coordinator. Currently her main work surrounds Climate Action Plan implementation. Outside of work, Jessica is an avid traveler who enjoys discovering small local cuisines & sustainable shops, expressing her creativity through content creation and  swimming. 

Utility and Sustainability Specialist, Annalise Eder (she/her)

Annalise is Bay Area native who graduated from the Cañada Middle College program and then went on to study Environmental Science at University of California, Los Angeles. She brings valuable professional experience in urban forestry, gained through her fellowship with the California Climate Action Corps. Most recently, Annalise served as the Green Facilities and Operations Coordinator at the San Mateo County Office of Education, where she advised K-12 schools on waste management and regulatory compliance. 

At the District, Annalise is excited to continue her work in zero waste initiatives and energy efficiency projects. In her free time she enjoys reading, sewing, and baking!

Project Engineer, Joseph Puckett (he/his)

Joe, who has been with the District for almost two decades, brings to the Sustainability Team an expertise ranging from custodial to groundskeeping to engineering experience. As the AFSCME president, as well as a football coach and nonprofit founder on the side, Joe has a deep appreciation for equity, collaboration, and doing good for the largest number of people possible. 

With the Sustainability Team, Joe supervises the 5 student assistants through the Sustainability Career Center, assisting with educational exhibit design and creation. Outside of work, Joe can be found at football tournaments, local markets and festivals, and spending time with his family. 

Awards & Recognition

Through the dedication and collaborative effort of many, SMCCCD has grown into a leader in sustainability in higher education, specifically within the California Community Colleges system. For its success and leadership in the field, the District has been recognized with various awards, including the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference's (CHESC) Best Practice Awards for:

SMCCCD's sustainability efforts have also been recognized by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors, APPA (formerly the Association of Physical Plant Administrators), and Sustainable San Mateo County (SSMC).