
What is a diversion rate?


Skyline College is the only campus to have lower levels of total waste produced as compared to 2018 levels. CSM has more than doubled their amount of waste produced.

CSM has made the greatest improvement to its diversion rate with a 25% increase from 2018 levels, while Skyline's diversion has actually decreased by 19% since 2018.


District waste tonnage has greatly increased as compared to 2018 levels of waste generation. Waste generation has slowly surpassed pre pandemic levels.

The diversion rate Districtwide has increased by 6%, a significant improvement from previous years.

Cañada College

Cañada College's waste tonnage has almost doubled since 2018 due to construction and campus expansion.

Cañada College's waste diversion rate has increased by 10% since 2018, a significant improvement from 2021.

College of San Mateo

College of San Mateo's waste tonnage has significantly increased (by over 100%) since 2018. 

College of San Mateo's waste diversion rate increased 25% since 2018, leading the District's three campuses.

Skyline College

Skyline College's waste tonnage has decreased 22% since 2018, leading the District's three campuses.

Skyline College's waste diversion rate has decreased almost 20% since 2018, the lowest of all three campuses.

The Pandemic's Effect on Waste

District waste generation dropped significantly in Q2 2020, but has been steadily increasing since the return to campus of students, staff and faculty.