3D Pens

Create 3D objects by building with colored filament.

Discovery Center

3D pens can be tricky to use.  They are made inexpensively and often jam up or just stop working.  Included with each set, is a straight wire unjamming rod/pin to help remove filament which may get stuck.    You may need to take a pen apart to try to get it working again.  When they go out,  I expect a few will be returned not working.  Be sure to borrow more than you need.  

You may borrow some filmane to get started, but ultimately we can't provide all the filament you'll need, so you'll want to purchase what you need.  The pens work well with standard 1.75mm PLA filament, the same filament used in 3D printers.   It does not need to be in stick form.  It can be from a spool of only one color.  Or below is a popular choice - with 25 different colors, 33' of each color.    



Integration Ideas

3D Shapes

Explore volume, perimeter, faces, and vertices by creating 3D shapes. Use a stencil for more accuracy such as this dodecahedron stencil. Tip: Laminate the page you plan to use as a stencil.

Storybook Characters

Design a 3D representation of your book character.  This one is from the book, The Day the Crayons Quit.

Credit to https://sites.google.com/rockingham.k12.va.us/stem/sphero for some of the resources shared on this page