WELCOME to MQCC® broker.mortgagequote.ca Wholesale Services
Home to the MQCC® DEBQUITY™ brand of 21st Century Regulatory-conforming, State-of-the-Science, Innovative Financial Services: DEBT or EQUITY; YOU CHOOSE --- "Share a little or share a lot"™; how do you want your money?
And Home to the Level 2 Mortgage Standard of Financial Goods and Services and:
MQCC® Broker Services provides National (Federal) Standards-registered, trusted Level 2 Mortgage Standard Services for Government Licensed and Regulated and Professionally Errors and Omissions Liability Insured Mortgage Brokers; SINCE BEFORE APRIL 9, 2005
Promoting Regulatory High Standards - Protecting Consumers - Profiting Mortgage Brokers
Consumer, Industry and Regulatory: Private Lending and Private Mortgage SAFETY THROUGH QUALITY™ Program since 2008
MQCC® Satisfying government or self-regulatory expectations of fulfilling requirements and best practices in private mortgage brokering.
Helping Mortgage Brokerage CEO's and Designated Individuals (DI) have peace of mind in the FIRST FUNCTION of A PRINCIPAL BROKER: DUTY RE: COMPLIANCE (CONFORMITY)
at a standard "beyond adequate supervision" using MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ brand Conformity Management System:
A system in place that enables Mortgage Broker, CEO's and Designated Individuals (DI) (Top Management) to make sure all level 2 and level 1 brokers, sub-brokers, agents and unlicensed assistants, across all offices (decentralized basis) act in manner that conforms (compliance is a deprecated term) to statutory, regulatory, best practice industry or professional liability insurer requirements.
MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ brand Conformity Management System: a system-based resource that provides Top Management the tools that you require to meet your statutory, regulatory, best practice industry or professional liability insurer obligations.
PREVENT tarnished reputation you have developed over years or decades, caused by loss of management supervision and control and regulatory or customer complaints or law suits.
SUPERVISION ASSURED™: A Regulatory Standard Level of Oversight
MQCC® 3rd Party Level 2 Random Audits; Unannounced Spot Checks; across all decentralized (distributed) services; using independent MQCC® Resources and your broker's origination software "work-in-progress" to assure continuous conformity (MQCC® RTS (Real Time Supervision) and MQCC® CONTINUOUS CONFORMITY™. Work to prevent non-compliance (non-conformity) as it appears.
How? MQCC® Conforms to Standards including:
All through the use of evolutionary and historically ground-breaking innovations including: Systems Level (SL) and Systems-Learning (SLr) artificial intelligence (AI) borne of non-novel (exact) conformity science first observed, discovered, developed, formalized, tested, commercialized, Federal Standards-registered and continuously improved, by Anoop Bungay; Founder of MQCC® and renowned world-wide as creator history-making goods and services identified-in-commerce by the following world-famous, well-known marks and trademark brand name source identifiers:
Not a complete list. Visit www.mqcc.org to learn more or just google it.
MQCC® is "Who Dat"?
1, Incorporated in September 16, 2006; trading in mortgages as an investor or lender with world-wide reach (network.mqcc.org) licensed with:
Alberta, Canada: Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA)
British Columbia: BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA)
Ontario: Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)
2, MQCC® is renowned for its expertise as a specialist in critical and complex or time-sensitive financing matters where $$ is often arranged from non-bank, non-regulated or private sources; also known as a LEVEL 2 MORTGAGE (www.level2mortgage.com).
3. MQCC® accepts this role solemnly because after 17 plus years of experience, it is recognized that after the desk of MQCC®, if MQCC® cannot help the applicant, then it is possible or likely that the "next step" for the applicant is to face either:
a lawyer or
a judge or
>> The lawyer to defend the applicant in a legal matter; typically mortgage enforcement by an existing lender (foreclosure); or,
>> The judge because the applicant is already in the legal process of enforcement and MQCC® was brought in as a "last minute" solution; or
>> The realtor because the applicant has decided to sell the real estate voluntarily since MQCC® cannot help and no other option exists for the applicant
3. MQCC® services are designed to be good, not cheap.
4. Before MQCC® enters into an arrangement, there is some initial homework that needs to be done in order to get a level of understanding into a matter.
5. In some cases, MQCC® sees some issues and the best thing to do is to contact the Applicant directly (at a peer-to-peer basis) to reduce miscommunication; with government licensed mortgage consent, naturally.
Level 1 Mortgage and Level 2 Mortgage Infrastructure
Canada: National and International
De Jure (legally required; subject to jurisdiction) and De Facto (industry best practice standard; subject to CEO attitude towards safety and quality for an organizations' customers, future customers, employees, vendors, regulators, shareholders and stakeholders) Equivalence
MQCC® Definitions:
Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers and Agents authorized to deal and trade in mortgages with lenders that are financial institutions or approved under the National Housing Act (of Canada), as described in regulation.
Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers and mortgage Agents level 2 is a professional who deals or trades in mortgages for a licensed mortgage brokerage, under the supervision of a licensed mortgage broker.
A mortgage agent level 2 may arrange mortgages with lenders which are financial institutions, approved lenders under the National Housing Act (of Canada), as described in regulation and all other mortgage lenders (including mortgage investment companies, syndicates, private individuals (PRIVATELENDER.ORG: PRIVATE LENDING NETWORK®), agents, brokers and brokerages).
MQCC® PrivateLender.org: Private Lending Network® conforms to MQCC® 5.0.2 Level Two Mortgage Conformity standards of consumer and public safety, as required by law. [Federal] National-International Standards-Harmonized (NISHA™) CONFORMITY INFRASTRUCTURE to achieve scientific, empirical, auditable and insurable levels of higher-quality:
BUILT ON BLOCKCHAIN® Since 2008; resulting in:
- Regulatory -
- Consumer -
- Industry -
Safety through Quality™
A Small Sample of Success Examples: MQCC® PRIVATLENDER.org over 20 Years of Online Business since before April 9, 2005 The Power of Private Lending®
Since before incorporation, MQCC® PrivateLender.org has helped countless mortgage borrowers and mortgage brokers and mortgage agents with critical and complex files including the following situations:
2nd mortgages
3rd mortgages
4th mortgages
5th mortgages
And higher mortgages; as high as 15th mortgages --- equity matters --
Sometimes a first mortgage (if you need the money today or tomorrow; or on a rush basis)
Cross-collateral security across multiple mortgage lines
Very fast funding, on the same day as an application is received or the next day
Foreclosure intervention by submitting affidavits to the court or proof of financing
Financing properties that were lost to a municipality because property taxes were not paid and re-vesting the property into the taxpayer's name
Divorce financing
Financing for persons on long term disability
Financing against structured settlements
100% or higher loan to value using non-real estate security including:
Accounts receivables (A/R) or factoring
Automobiles or other vehicles
Any other asset class
Airport hangers
Gas Stations; Farms; non-normal properties
Jumbo properties; $2M+
Island properties where the only access is via airplane or float plane or boat
Offshore properties
Environmental impaired lands where a phase 1 or phase 2 is required or where remediation is required
Rent-to-Own / Lease-to-Own; redemption mortgages (when a rent to own agreement is matured and the tenant or optionor wants to execute the contract and transfer title into their own name)
Common law mortgage (where title is transferred into the name of MQCC® or assigns)
Augmenting (topping up or adding to) construction financing when the construction lender stopped advancing funds due to cost overrun or other reason
Dispute resolution or dispute settlement financing
Judgment satisfaction financing
Non-jurisdictional financing in other countries
Financing for houses that are damaged or burned down
Land only
Leased land including Crown lands or Indigenous lands
Purchase of other lender (bank or private) foreclosure files
No payment mortgage
No income verification mortgage
Deceased spouse, with name not discharged from title, mortgages
Estate (probate or non-probate) mortgages
Tax resolution (corporate income tax or personal income tax or both) financing
Financing on “dirty titles”; titles with multiple writs on title or caveats or other problems; cleaning (remediating) ‘dirty titles’ MQCC® TITLE LAUNDRY™ services
Financing on properties where client does not possession due to court order pursuant to a matrimonial issue when the spouse is dead
Mortgage on yachts
Mortgage on livestock
Financing on properties when a spouse is dead but the title has the dead spouses’ name on title because the death certificate is not yet processed by the land titles office
Unregistered mortgages
MQCC® Shared Ownership Financing Arrangement™ (SOFA™); hybrid debt and equity financing for real estate matters
Real estate secured financing by way of caveat and not mortgage instrument
Muslim (Sharia conforming) financing
Stratified financing using a combination of first, second and 3rd priority
Bridge financing using an assignment of sale as the take-out
Financing for non-resident or foreign buyers (subject to laws of Canada)
Inter-jurisdiction blanket (inter alia) mortgages
Floodplain mortgage; for property in flood plains
Financing to corporations of all kinds
“Smith Maneuver”
MBO (Management Buy-Out)
SBO (Shareholder Buy-Out)
PBP (Partner Buy-Out)
EBO (Employee Buy-Out)
DIPBO (Debtor-in-Possession Buy-Out)
Impaired Mortgage Purchase (purchasing an existing lender mortgage)
Waiving of title insurance
Waiving of property insurance
Waiving of RPR (real property report or property survey)
MQCC® NOFO™: No Foreclosure Guarantee™
MQCC® EASYOUT™: Non-Judicial Mortgage Enforcement Program™
twenty four hours a day, 7 days a week: 24-7 Underwriting Service (risk assessment, risk verification); why? at MQCC®: Money Can Not Sleep™
Not a complete list of examples of MQCC® “THE POWER OF PRIVATE LENDING®” Registered Trademark Brand of Services.
MQCC® Call Us Last™
Duty to Demonstrate (Assure Suitability for a Level 2 Mortgage Requirement)
At all times, there is a Legal (Regulatory-required) or Professional (Professional Liability Insurer's expectation of competent best practice) Duty of a Government Licensed Mortgage Broker to Demonstrate the Need for A Level 2 Mortgage (private lending) Solution for Any Given Applicant
As every Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of every government licensed, regulated and professional liability insured mortgage brokerage is fully aware; given the regulatory climate and general duty to supervise mortgage originators effectively at all times and in order to prevent claims of professional errors, omissions or negligence or other problems like incompetence (for National equivalent non-level 2 (brokers and agents wanting to arrange both private mortgages and investments for private investors and mortgage lenders) accredited originators (or insufficiently experienced level 2 brokers) of 'private lending' transactions); it is vital for MQCC® to know that you, originating broker have exhausted all options for your applicant based upon your own competency and skill set and capability based upon your experience level.
Further, every CEO or Designated Individual (DI) or Conformity (compliance (a deprecated term) Officer or person in a supervisory role, is aware of the duty (as a matter of professional competency) for a government licensed mortgage broker to demonstrate that a mortgage applicant' best or most fair and reasonable option is a level 2 mortgage or private lending solution; the suitability requirement.
Mortgage Industry Confidence in MQCC®: 20+ Years of Leadership
Since before incorporation, as early as August 14, 2001; MQCC® is Canada's expert leader in critical and complex or time sensitive financing solutions for both mortgage and non-mortgage purposes. As such, all Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers must demonstrate to both MQCC® and their consumer or corporate mortgage applicants, that MQCC® is a necessary option for consideration because based upon the fair and reasonable and competent and professional assessment of you - the originating government licensed mortgage broker - that your applicants requirements in respect of:
speed of cash required, or
understanding of your clients critical or complex situation
Cannot be fairly nor reasonably nor practically met by the "normal" lending market place.
And that you -- the originating mortgage broker -- have fairly, reasonably and competently, exhausted all "normal" lending market place lenders found in one or more of the below mortgage technology platforms:
Boss (Mortgage Boss)
CRM (Generic)
Filogix Expert
Filogix Expert Pro
Finmo by Lendesk
Lender Spotlight
Mortgage Automator
TMG Hurricane
Not a complete list
Alternatively, before you connect with MQCC® please contact these other lenders first:
British Columbia Head Office based members of the BC MIC Managers Association who lend in Alberta, BC and Ontario; here is a list of current members: List
Type in "private lender" + your country name; in google and call the results that appear on these pages, before contacting MQCC®
Remember: not all private lenders are truly private lenders; if you do not know the difference, ask a lawyer to help you or enroll at MQCC® PEM® Institute to learn the trade from Level 2 Origination to Level 2 Underwriting to beyond; www.peminstitute.org
If you wish to bypass the above steps in order to save yourself time then you are welcome to contact MQCC® however a cautionary note: there is a premium to be paid because at MQCC® Time is Truly Worth Money™
When you do wish to contact MQCC®, as part of the risk management process, you are required to disclose:
Which lenders have you gone to
What did the other lenders say
Why contact the "private lenders" in the above Listed Platforms or Sources, First?
MQCC® exists in the universe of the International Peer-to-Peer (P2P) & Private Finance Association IP2PFA™ (www.ip2pfa.org) which promotes:
Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance
MQCC® Starts where the above stop; either because:
a) MQCC® is faster; in which case the speed is a premium
b) MQCC® is more flexible; in which case the flexibility is a premium
c) MQCC® is more creative; in which case the creativity is a premium
d) MQCC® is more certain (ie: guaranteed to fund); in which case the certainty is a premium
So you -- the originating mortgage broker -- must provide demonstrable and document proof that you have exhausted all other options and MQCC® appears to be the only fair and reasonable option for your mortgage Applicant given the nature, quality and character of the Applicant's time sensitive or critical or complex situation.
Especially Level 2 Mortgage Brokers.
This is the Foundation Principles and Processes for the MQCC® Call Us Last™ Program
MQCC® LENDER$ LEDGER™: (www.LendersLedger.com) Publicly Disclosed List of Lenders (Money $$$ Sources) to Call Before Contacting MQCC®
MQCC® LENDER$ LEDGER™ (www.LendersLedger.com): A complimentary Information Service Listing over 650 Publicly Disclosed Lenders
For Retail Applicants looking to bypass the intermediary market
For Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers and Agents looking for a valuable resource
Demonstrate professional competency and suitability of your client's need for a Level 2 Mortgage solution by first going through the list of lenders found at MQCC® LENDER$ LEDGER™ at www.LendersLedger.com.
MQCC® LENDER$ LEDGER™ (www.LendersLedger.com): List of 675+ Publicly Disclosed Money Lending $$$ Sources (Canada Edition) to Call Before Contacting MQCC® - unless time is of the essence for you or your client
If you have exhausted, fairly and reasonable, the above lenders or if time is of the essence, please continue to MQCC® by studying the MQCC® General Historical Rates, before proceeding to contact MQCC®.
General Historical Rates with MQCC®
Lender, Broker, Lawyer, Land Titles, Other Fees? Subject to Value of Benefit based upon the legal principle of "value for service" of MQCC® Money ($) to the Applicant in order to Further the Applicant's Personal or Non-Personal Objectives for Money.
Applicants consider MQCC® a Financing Partner and not a lender nor an investor; as such, at MQCC® Gross Fees of between 8% - 12% more or less, are not historically unreasonable given the value for service.
General Rule of Thumb:
Personal Use of Funds (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Non-tax deductible 'cost of borrowing')
Applicants who intend on using MQCC® Money ($) for personal use or farming use have an upper boundary limit at MQCC® of between 29% and 30% because MQCC® chooses NOT to be in the HIGH-COST CREDIT REGULATED business; which typically starts at 32%. Some mortgage companies are this expensive, including these ones:
Newfoundland and Labrador High-Cost Credit rules start in June 2024
Other Canada Provinces (please research on your own)
Non-Personal Use of Funds (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Tax deductible 'cost of borrowing')
Applicants who intend on using MQCC® Money ($) for non-personal use or business, investment or commercial use have an upper boundary limit at MQCC® of up to 60% but this may change depending on the actual nature, quality and character of the financial solution. For example, a MQCC® FACTOR (accounts receivable discount) financial product is not subject to the 60% boundary because this is not considered a "debt" or "loan" product.
MQCC® may offer a CONVERTIBLE DEBT/EQUITY Financing Solution; which transforms the debt into equity and returns on equity investment, while volatile, can be much higher than 60%.
Each Applicant is different and each financing requirement is different; so the best solution is determined after MQCC® Intake and MQCC® Underwriting is complete.
Government licensed mortgage brokers, sub-brokers, agents; please see a lawyer or accountant for legal or accounting advice. This website does NOT provide legal advice, accounting advice, conformity advice, regulatory advice or another advice.
MQCC® Private Equity Mortgage (PEM®) Average Yields versus Other Yields - 2009 to 2024+
MQCC® Quick Start™
Application Origination Submission Process for Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers
Email: underwriting@mortgagequote.ca the following:
1) how much is your house worth?
2) how much is owed?
3) what is address of house?
4) how much do you want?
5) how long for?
6) what is $ for?
7) Which lenders have you gone to already?
7.1) What did the other lenders say?
Remember, Before you visit MQCC® have you visited the usual suspects?
Centum Mortgage View
Alta West
One Stop
Vector Pacific
Capital Direct
basically, all the so-called "private lenders" found in the lists located in:
Boss (Mortgage Boss)
Filogix Expert
Filogix Expert Pro
Finmo by Lendesk
Lender Spotlight
Mortgage Automator
TMG Hurricane
Why? Remember: MQCC® Starts where the above stop; either because:
a) MQCC® is faster; in which case the speed is a premium
b) MQCC® is more flexible; in which case the flexibility is a premium
c) MQCC® is more creative; in which case the creativity is a premium
d) MQCC® is more certain (ie: guaranteed to fund); in which case the certainty is a premium
MQCC® Power of Private Lending® Brochure
MQCC® PRIVATELENDER.org: Private Lending Network™/®
FULLY INDEMNIFIED "PRIVATE LENDING" for Retail Consumer Mortgage Brokers without Regulatory-Recognized or Federal (National) Standards-based Expert-Level Experience in "private lending*"
Your Supplier for Secured, Unsecured and Hybrid-Secured Financing
(Visit www.ip2pfa.org to learn more about misunderstanding of the term: "private lending".)
A Break-through in Government Regulated Mortgage Broker Supervisory Activity Prudence and Safety through Federal (National) Standards-integrated Safety and Quality Systems
Welcome to broker.mortgagequote.ca, your home of FULLY INDEMNIFIED "PRIVATE LENDING" for GOVERNMENT REGULATED Mortgage Brokerages, Mortgage Brokers, Mortgage Agents; and FIDUCIARY OFFICERS and DIRECTORS of mortgage broker companies including Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and Designated Individuals.
PRIVATELENDER.org: CANADA'S PRIVATE LENDING NETWORK® Established on April 9, 2005; Canada's only National Standards integrated artificial intelligence (ai) commercialized quantum computing (CQC™) risk-based, finance origination, investment, intermediation and management system-network. For over 2 decades, MQCC® Top Management are expert in critical and complex financing files. FULLY INDEMNIFIED (VIA ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURED, CO-BROKER OBLIGATIONS) PRIVATE (Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance; Source: International Peer-to-Peer (P2P) & Private Finance Association IP2PFA™ (www.ip2pfa.org)) LENDING ORIGINATION AND INTERMEDIATION for GOVERNMENT REGULATED MORTGAGE BROKERAGES, MORTGAGE BROKERS, SUB-BROKERS, AGENTS, UNLICENSED ASSISTANTS; PRINCIPAL BROKERS AND DESIGNATED BROKERS; INVESTORS AND LENDERS.
Home to the Canadian Industry Standard for SAFER PRIVATE LENDING™, achieved by:
Federal Canadian (including USA, UK and 118+ Countries) National Standards-registered, Consumer, Regulator and Liability Insurance-Integrated: Safe, Reliable, Good; Better, Safer and More Efficient™ operations resulting in:
through the correct and proper application of principles, concepts and core methods of non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)
Since at least as early as May 9, 2008.
Brokers (Intermediaries) Mortgages and Loans
Attorney, Lawyer, Realtor and other Regulated Professional Referrals
Government and Non-Government Licensed and Regulated
Canada - International
An initiative of MQCC® MortgageQuote Canada Corp. in collaboration with:
Welcome to MQCC™ MortgageQuote Canada Corp. PrivateLender.org: Private Lending Network™/®; the World's First, Proven and Trusted Global Private (Crypto; non-Crypto) Financial Network™ since at least as early as April 9,2005.
Government Regulated Mortgage Broker and Regulatory Exempt Intermediary page.
PrivateLender.org: Private Lending Network™/® (www.privatelender.org) originally programmed and brought online on April 9, 2005 by Santosh K. Bungay for his brother, Anoop K. Bungay's Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance (see International Peer-to-Peer (P2P) & Private Finance Association IP2PFA™ www.ip2pfa.org) business for the trading in utility tokens, securities tokens, conformity tokens, quality tokens, fungible tokens (FT) and non-fungible tokens (NFT) and First brought online on April 9, 2005, PrivateLender.org: Canada's Private Lending Network® & Global Private Lending Network™ is the not only the "Word's First and Most Trusted Global Private (Crypto; non-Crypto) Financial Network"; PrivateLender.org is the "World's First Hybrid-Regulatory Integrated, trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"-based" Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance System-Network."
Setting the Global Standard for quality, compliance, enforced compliance (conformity) safety and risk reduction in Peer-to-Peer(P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret: lending, investing & finance transactions within an expert system that is registered for statutory, regulatory and process conformity to the International and National Standards of 119 Countries since at least before April 9, 2005.
Making Peer-to-Peer(P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret Financial Transactions, Safer, Better and More Efficient for Consumers, Industry and Government.
Powered by MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ brand of meta-operating system (META OS™); using pioneering Bungay International Technology BIT™ which commercializes state-of-the-science systems-level artificial intelligence (SL Ai™) and systems-learning artificial intelligence (SLr AI™). The overall system is integrated with the MQCC® HUMAN SAFETY FIRST™ quality management and safety program, assuring full human control and full human accountability.
Commercial origination, manufacture, trading and intermediation of:
Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Securities in:
Classic Paper-based Document Format
Utility tokens including BITCOIN™ trademark brand utility token (and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent)
Securities tokens including BITMORTGAGE® trademark brand securities token (and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent)
Conformity tokens including BITCONFORMITY™ trademark brand conformity token (and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent)
Quality tokens including BITQUALITY™ trademark brand quality token (and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent)
Fungible tokens (FT); both binary digit and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent
Non-fungible tokens (NFT); both binary digit and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent
Regulatory tokens; both binary digit and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent
Artificially Intelligent Smart NFT Contracts (aiSMARTnft™); both binary digit and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent
Managed for risk, regulatory integrity, customer satisfaction and professional liability (errors and omission) prevention, detection and corrective action using:
MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN™ trademark brand, conformity science-based, Quality Management System services
Visit www.BlockChainForLawyers.org (and Regulators, Policy Makers, Elected and Appointed Officials, Scientists and Academics) to learn more
Visit www.BlockChainStandards.net to learn more
MQCC™ BITCOIN™ trademark brand, conformity science-based, brand Quality Management System services
Visit www.bitcoin.eco to learn more
MQCC™ CRYPTO™ trademark brand, conformity science-based, brand Quality Management System services
Visit www.bitcoin.eco to learn more
World's First and Most Tested, Most Trusted Securities Token Available world-wide in up to 118+ Countries under the following trademark brand names:
Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Securities
Visit www.bitmortgage.com
"Do Private Lending Right™": At the Regulatory-Recognized National Standard of Quality, Safety and Efficiency™
As Canada's National Standard for Safe, Reliable, Good; Better Safer and More Efficient™ Private Lending, if your Government Licensed Mortgage Broker is using MQCC™ PrivateLender.org: Private Lending Network™, you are Assured that they are Doing Private Lending Right!
Why do Risk-Aware, Quality-Minded, Experienced, Discerning, CEO's, Designated Brokers and Brokers-of-Record of Government Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Firms Choose the MQCC™ PrivateLender.org: Private Lending Network™/® for all of their Organization's:
Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance
Licensed Mortgage Agent-Originated, Consumer and Commercial Mortgage Transactions?
To protect their company reputation and brand though MQCC™ 15+ Years of MQCC Standards™ based Systems (SBS™) built on something called "BlockChain" comprised of risk-based systems, technology, services (methods, processes) and products (goods, wares);
Establish trust at a BANK OF CANADA level; for over 15 years, equivalent MQCC Standards™ (integrated with ISO 9001:2001, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015) are also adopted by the Bank of Canada and the equivalent MQCC Standards™ are recognized and trusted by ALL Canadian (and International equivalent) Federal and Provincial Financial Regulators to maintain the highest levels of quality and conformity to statutory, regulatory, customer, shareholder, stakeholder and Top Management requirements.
To safeguard their consumer customers; government-licensed mortgage brokers; broker-of-record, Designated Individuals and Top Management
Maintain utmost levels - [at the National Standard level] - of conformity to regulatory and statutory requirements
Prevent and eliminate exposure (inadvertently or fraudulently) of customer personal information and private information to predatory lenders, fraudsters and inexperienced investors and lenders
Prevent liability caused by errors, omissions, customer complaints and regulatory complaints due to absence of in-house systems, processes, controls; training, competency testing, proficiency testing of Top Management and Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers, Sub-Brokers and Agents
Identify opportunities for continual improvement and corrective action of Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers who inadvertently create errors, omissions or other non-conformity due to lack of experience;
Provide the highest levels - [at the National Standard level] - of empirical, measurable Quality.
Maintain the highest levels of organization integrity in all interactions with MQCC™ matters related to Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance in a manner that conforms to requirements of professional liability, errors and omission
Sustain a competitive advantage
Generate greater revenue
Reduce Regulatory-Risk
Increase efficiency and reduce organization infrastructure costs
Enjoy the benefits of the World's first and leading, Active Fraud Avoidance Technology System (AFATS™); a BlockChain-based system that is built on the World's First and Most Trusted BlockChain System-Network™: the MQCC BlockChain™
Transfer a majority of the learning, education, training, competency and proficiency risk away from the CEO's Government Licensed Mortgage to MQCC™ PrivaeLender.org: Private Lending Network™/®
Reduce carbon footprint by interacting with the Bungay International Technology BIT™ Conformity of Organization and Individual (COIN™) utility token system-network, in accordance with the National Standard-integrated, MQCC™ Carbon Footprint Reduction Program
Promote market leadership by participating in the World's First and Most Trusted, Regulatory-Recognized, National - International Standards-based, Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance System-Network™, marketed world-wide in up to 118+ countries under the source identifier trademark brand name: BITMORTGAGE®/™
Establish systems-based conformity (enforced compliance) in accordance to regulatory requirements and professional liability, errors and omissions policy requirements
Do Private Lending Easy™: All you need is an email address to enter the MQCC™ PrivateLender.org: Private Lending Network™/®
MQCC® preference is to have you email MQCC® since phone calls are not normally safe as a means to do business, for either you nor MQCC® -- you are safer by chatting via email using the MQCC® Meta Quantum Cloud Computing™ brand of General Processing Interface GPT™ which is driven by the MQCC® Artificial Intelligence Mortgage Engine™ (AI MORTGAGE ENGINE™) --- a virtual software agent (robot) described as "a virtual process processing, hybrid-human computer-based process system-network designed to manage risk and increase economic value in an efficient manner with virtually zero instances of nonconformity including errors, omissions, incompetence and fraud; in a regulatory-integrated supervisory system that meets or exceeds Federal (National) je dure (recognized) Standards in 118+ Countries - visit www.mqcc.org to learn more."
Maintain industry leadership as an early adopter of the organized, regulatory-integrated, national and international standards-based trade in digital and non-digital real-estate-secured and non-real-estate-secured (unsecured) financial products including BlockChain-based Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens
Assure customers, regulators and professional liability errors and omissions insurers that you are treating consumers (applicants, borrowers, investors) fairly and diligently in a non-predatory manner
Enjoy peace and well-being, knowing that the regulatory-risk in their dealings with MQCC™ PrivateLender.org: Private Lending Network™ is borne by MQCC™ in matters of Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance
This is NOT a complete list of benefits to Risk-Aware, Quality-Minded, Experienced, Discerning, CEO's, Designated Brokers and Brokers-of-Record of Government Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Firms.
Seek First to Understand: Learn then Earn™
2018 “A Review into the Merits of Open Banking”: Department of Finance, Canada.

2019 Subject: MQCC - Government of Alberta: Offer-to-Assist Government of Alberta Ministers re: Corrective Action and Sector Improvement of Alberta Regulatory Bodies (AER/RECA); Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA); Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)
Minister of Environment and Parks, House Leader
Honourable Jason Nixon
Minister of Energy, Deputy House Leader
Honourable Sonya Savage
Minister of Service Alberta
Honourable Nate Glubish
Auditor General of Alberta
Doug Wylie FCPA, FCMA, ICD.D
Alberta Ethics Commissioner
Office of the Ethics Commissioner
Honourable Marguerite Trussler, QC
Public Interest Commissioner
Marianne Ryan
See page 89 (click here) of the 2019 TREASURY BOARD SECRETARIAT
Regulatory modernization
Canada Document
Canadian National Standard-class
MQCC™ Canada Mortgage/d’Hypothèques Conformity (CMHC) BlockChain
Sector & Function Resource Manual
2022 BCFSA BC Financial Services Authority (Blair Morrison) and CMBBC Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association BC (Deb White)
Letter to CMBBC - BCFSA - 10-Feb-22 - Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association BC - BC Financial Services Agency BCFSA Top Management
Canada: MBRCC Mortgage Broker Regulators' Council of Canada & Other Regulatory Bodies
READ THE TEXTBOOK at Amazon® or Google Play®
Teaching SEC™: SCIENTISTS, SECURITIES: Regulator-Policy Maker-Investigator-Lawyer; EXCHANGE, LAW ENFORCEMENT, EDUCATORS: Officers; CHIEF EXECUTIVES: Top Management-CEO of Regulatory & Regulated Bodies
Author: Anoop Bungay
Government and Non-Government Licensed and Regulated Credit Intermediaries (loan brokers and mortgage brokers); do "private finance" and "private lending" right (correctly and properly) -- do it to the Canada's Federal National and International Equivalent (in 118+ Countries) Standard; better, safer and more efficiently, with MQCC™.
HOME TO CANADA and the WORLD'S SAFER™ BRAND STANDARD FOR PRIVATE (Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow) FINANCE
Welcome the global home of MQCC™ Canada-International, Sustainable, Accountable, Flexible-Fair-Fiduciary-Frank, Efficient, Regulated-Respectful-Realistic (SAFER™) “Private Lending” Program (safer.mqcc.org for project summary) and "the MQCC LOSS-LESS™ Origination" Program for Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers
who originate non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt and free trading; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow real-estate-secured and non-real-estate-secured (unsecured) financial instruments (mortgages).
MQCC™: Canada's ONLY National, International Standards (NISC™) Class Regulatory Compliant,
Non-Bank, Private Mortgage Lending Solutions
Licensed Mortgage Brokers
Powered by LENDING LOOP®: Enabling Person-to-Person Mortgage Capital through Licensed Mortgage Brokers. Making money go round.™
LENDING LOOPTM: Enabling Person-to-Person Mortgage Capital. Making money go round.
It is said that "money makes the world go round". MortgageQuote's LENDING LOOPTM services brings the money directly to you through our network of Licensed Brokers and Professionals (Legal, Accounting, Trust).
Registered LENDING LOOPTM network users, login here.
Learn about Person-to-Person Mortgage Capital at lendingloop.mortgagequote.ca
Home of the Entrepreneur Options™ Creative Mortgage Financing and Federal Government, Trademark Registered Venture Capital, High Ratio Private Mortgage: VenCap PRV® Programs
LENDING LOOPTM: Enabling Person-to-Person (P2P) Mortgage Capital since 2006. Making money go round.
(services available to all persons, from any country: Canada, USA & International)
Licensed Brokers
Register in our LENDING LOOPTM to become a broker and earn more! MortgageQuote.ca distributes its wide range of equity mortgage products through select mortgage brokers in Canada. If you are a licensed mortgage in the jurisdictions in which we serve and you are looking for a good quality source of equity mortgage investment capital, please contact us or introduce yourself by email to underwriting[at]mortgagequote.ca.
Presently, we offer mortgage broker service in Alberta (AB) , British Columbia (BC) , Ontario (ON) and select regions throughout North America.
How do you know if you are licensed in a jurisdiction? Visit licensing.mortgagequote.ca to see if a person or company is licensed to trade in a jurisdiction that we serve.
Broker Support Site
Existing mortgage brokers can visit our broker support website at broker.mortgagequote.ca.
Professional Referrals
Lawyers, Trustees, Referral Companies are automatically part of LENDING LOOPTM, no need to register. Simply reach out to us and we will work with you. Please email underwriting[at]mortgagequote.ca.
General Public
If you are a member of the general public (non-licensed, non-professional individuals and companies) and would like to refer a person to MortgageQuote directly, visit: Refer-A-Friend (referrals.mortgagequote.ca) section to learn more.
4 Global Leaders in Quality and Risk Management for Mortgage Industry Professionals
5 Register with MortgageQuote for all of your Non-Bank Originations
It is said that "money makes the world go round". MortgageQuote's LENDING LOOPTM services brings the money directly to you through our network of Licensed Brokers and Professionals (Legal, Accounting, Trust).
Registered LENDING LOOPTM network users, login here.
If you do not already have a Broker Account with MortgageQuote, email underwriting[at]mortgagequote.ca
You take care of the retail origination compliance and we'll take care of the non-bank and private mortgage lender compliance.
Licensed Brokers
If you are a shareholder (major or minor) in a licensed mortgage broker firm, designated mortgage broker, mortgage-broker-of-record, owner-operator or franchisee and you trade in non-bank mortgage transactions, it is imperative that you use MortgageQuote.
Industry Regulators publish a list of all licensed mortgage brokers who have been reported for regulatory non-compliance within their mortgage broker operations.
Can you sleep well at night knowing your mortgage agents are working in a regulatory compliant manner? The average Errors and Omissions Lawsuit may cost you over $250,000.00 for a "deal" that earned you $1500.00 in fees.
Do you want the negative good-will publicity of being reported to the regulators or being subject to a lawsuit?
Implementing a Certified Regulatory Compliant and litigation tested integrated operating, managing and reporting system if your best defense.
A regulatory and operational compliance audit is a critical risk-based management component for participants of the financial services industry. History has proven that failure to adhere to regulatory compliance requirements may result in a financially fatal outcome for the officers, directors and shareholders of a financial services company, namely mortgage brokerages and private lenders. Maintaining a culture of compliance is good for your bottom line and for your customers trust and confidence in your business.
Don't be on the regulator list - and don't be subject to an errors and omission's claim without a process-based defense, established during the point of origination.
Global Leaders in Quality and Risk Management for Mortgage Industry Professionals
The world's first (and Canada's only) ISO 9001:2015 certified, regulatory compliant Mortgage Origination, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Private Mortgage & Private Lending Company
For licensed mortgage brokerage firm, dealing in mortgages or dealing with private mortgage investor-lenders can be very lucrative, yet there is substantial risk associated with such transactions, if not done in a 100% compliant manner.
Need proof of the risk to a licensed mortgage brokerage? Visit the following links to see the regulatory enforcement activities. Not all complaints are published; many mortgage transaction complaints are "dealt" with the mortgage broker and complainants directly, before a statement of claim is filed or a regulatory complaint is submitted.
Alberta: Case Summaries
British Columbia: Enforcement
Ontario: Enforcement Activities
Time and again we have cautioned experienced mortgage industry members (owner/officers/directors/shareholders of mortgage brokerage firms) to rely upon MortgageQuote to help reduce the risk of financial and reputation liability, when hiring multiple mortgage agents who deal in the highly regulated industry of mortgages (transactions or investor-lenders).
Experienced Errors and Omissions Insurance professionals state that the biggest complaint of a mortgage brokerage firm and their agents, when subject to either a valid or frivolous E&O claim, is that the broker or agent 'did nothing wrong', but cannot effectively prove it - in an objective manner. Well now you can.
Register with MortgageQuote for all of your Non-Bank Originations
Register in our LENDING LOOPTM to become a broker and earn more! MortgageQuote.ca distributes its wide range of equity mortgage products through select mortgage brokers in Canada. If you are a licensed mortgage in the jurisdictions in which we serve and you are looking for a good quality source of equity mortgage investment capital, please contact us or introduce yourself by email to underwriting[at]mortgagequote.ca.
MQCC® likes "Helping Good People"™
Presently, MQCC® offer mortgage broker and lending service in Alberta (AB) , British Columbia (BC) , Ontario (ON) and select regions throughout North America.
Visit Geographic Area - Licensed Area of Practice: Mortgage Products & Services
Primary Regions (AB, BC, ON)
ALBERTA (AB) - All areas - including small rural.
Subject to the exact location and unique conditions of each property.
Where MQCC® lends or operates (Mortgage Products & Services Only)
MortgageQuote.ca's lenders are willing to lend in the following areas of Canada:
Primary Regions (AB, BC, ON):
ALBERTA (AB) - All areas - including small rural.
BRITISH COLUMBIA (BC) - All areas (Island properties must have ferry access) - including small rural.
ONTARIO (ON) - Greater Toronto Metropolitan Area (GTA) or properties with waterfront (lakeside cottages, harbour-front, marina- properties). Non-GTA and Rural properties on a "case by case" basis.
Secondary Regions (NWT, NT, PEI, YK):
NORTHWEST TERRITORIES (NWT) - Approvals based upon a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
NUNAVUT (NT) - Approvals based upon a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (PEI) - Approvals based upon a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
YUKON (YK) - Approvals based upon a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
Tertiary Regions
Anywhere in the world included expanded areas of both Primary and Secondary regions, subject to a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
BRITISH COLUMBIA (BC) - All areas (Island properties must have ferry access) - including small rural.
Subject to the exact location and unique conditions of each property.
Greater Toronto Metropolitan Area (GTA) or properties with waterfront (lakeside cottages, harbour-front, marina- properties). Non-GTA and Rural properties on a "case by case" basis.
Definition of GTA for MortgageQuote.ca Lending Purposes:
MortgageQuote.ca will also consider lending to other (Non-GTA) areas of Ontario - on a "case by case" basis.
Subject to the exact location and unique conditions of each property.
Secondary Regions (NWT, NT, PEI, YK)
NORTHWEST TERRITORIES (NWT) - Approvals based upon a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
NUNAVUT (NT) - Approvals based upon a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (PEI) - Approvals based upon a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
YUKON (YK) - Approvals based upon a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
Tertiary Regions
Anywhere in the world included expanded areas of both Primary and Secondary regions, subject to a case by case assessment of applicant(s) and security(ies).
Broker Support Site
Existing mortgage brokers can visit our broker support website at Broker Support Site (APLUS).
Professional Referrals
see Referral Section
Non-Professional Referrals
Accredited Class®/™ Education and Accreditation for Institutions and Programs
For Corporations, Organizations and Institutions (COIN™) Entities including:
Public and Private: Regulatory Bodies; Regulated Bodies; Licensing Bodies; Licensed Bodies
Meets or Exceeds United States Department of Education (DOE) Quality Standards for Quality Assurance in Education at the institutions and programs (faculties) level
(There are two basic types of educational accreditation [recognized by the United States Department of Education (DOE)], one identified as "institutional" and one referred to as "specialized" or "programmatic.")
Canada: MBRCC Mortgage Broker Regulators' Council of Canada & Other Regulatory Bodies
READ THE TEXTBOOK at Amazon® or Google Play®
Teaching Harvard & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations World-Wide: True "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™
Author: Anoop Bungay
MQCC™ PrivateLender.org: Private Lender Network™/® Universe
The Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Association (CQMFA™) is an independent, private organization that serves to network, educate, professionalize and promote Quality Management-in-Finance. Namely, those finance sector companies who are certified to ISO 9001:2015 (or ISO 9001:2008) Quality Management Standards. Certification to ISO 9001:2015 empowers CQFMFA™ members to strengthen their market position in bring benefits of quality management to their stakeholders.
2005-2021+; World's first, most trusted, 100% trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"-based Crypto Exchange.
PEMX®: The Safer, Better and More Efficient Private Equity Mortgage Exchange; Private Electronic Money Exchange; Private Electronic Mortgage Exchange and related token based financial securities exchange - recognized by international standard-setting bodies; regulators, legislators and legal professionals as the world's first cryptofinancial exchange and world's first cryptofinancial exchange registered to ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 continuously since May 9, 2008*; trading in the BITMORTGAGE® trademark registered brand of real-estate secured non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow securities and related financial instruments.
Consumer, Commercial Sector and Industry Accountability
Office of the Shadow Banking System Ombudsperson
WHISTLEBLOWER Reporting System-Network
Help keep finance safe for everyone; correct nonconformity, fraud and similar problems.
PEMPAC Private Equity Mortgage Professionals Association of Canada®
Infrastructure & Utilities
Global Peer-to-Peer Finance Securities Token System-Network™
Global Utility Token System-Network™
MQCC® General Mortgage Products
How to Start?
Learn about MQCC® and Learn some of the MQCC® Origination Rules
See Brochure, below
Email Your Application or Investor Referral to
Tell us the following:
How much does your client want to borrow or invest?
for Borrowers: What is the money for?
for Borrowers: Description/Value of security (email appraisal if you have it).
for Borrowers: Describe how your clients will be able to make the payments/or explain your exit strategy.
for Borrowers or Investor Referrals: Email us your application or referral name and contact phone and email; along with applicable borrower client credit bureau, your borrower disclosure and all relevant documentation.
Learn more; visit: BeforeYouApply.mortgagequote.ca
Credit Intermediation for Real Estate Secured Financial Products (Mortgage Broker Activity)
Government Licensed Mortgage Brokerages: Protect Your License - Protect Your Livelihood: Earn Money, Sleep Well At Night™
Since 2008, MortgageQuote Canada Corp. is the only mortgage lender and licensed mortgage broker in Canada certified by the Standards Council of Canada-Accredited, BSI Group, operating under Royal Charter; whose integrated Quality Management System complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the following scope: Provision of mortgage banking ("lending" in Canada) and mortgage brokerage services. Learn more and supporting proof of claims at www.mqcc.org.
What does this mean to you as a licensed mortgage person and your retail mortgage customers? As explained by the Standards Council of Canada: MortgageQuote Canada Corp.'s private and non-private mortgage solutions are delivered in an effective standards-based environment, which "help to ensure better, safer and more efficient methods and products". Critically important for private lending and non-bank transactions - ask your errors and omissions insurer if you have any doubts. See below to learn more.
PRIVATLENDER.ORG: Canada's Private Lending Network®; The World's Private Finance Network™
Professional Liability and Errors and Omissions Prevention-Integrated, Fully Indemnified Private Lender Origination for Mortgage Brokerages whose Professional Liability, Errors and Omissions Insurance companies do not classify and recognize and insure the brokerage for "primarily trading in non-bank or Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow goods (products) and services (methods)"; and therefore the organization does not possess the minimum standards of competence nor proficiency and systems, technology and infrastructure, management and supervision expected of a practitioner or organization that primarily trades in, and is insured primarily for, trade in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow goods (products) and services (methods). Register at edu.MQUCC.org to learn more; or simply send your deals to MQCC™ and Learn as you Work™.
All you need is an email account to ENTER THE BLOCKCHAIN™ (www.EnterTheBlockChain.com); or simply email your files to underwriting@mortgagequote.ca to enjoy the benefits (subject to organization regulatory intake agreements signed by your broker of record or CEO).
Risk-Based, Credit Intermediation Solutions for Mortgage Brokers
The world's best; made for you™.
MQCC teaches EO companies how to reduce losses and increase profits by creating environments for higher-risk mortgage brokers or large mortgage brokerages with hundreds of agents and thousands of points of failure or risk exposure , to verifiably reduce risk.
Don't change your EO insurance company, change your operations, for the better to theMQCC ACCREDITED CLASS®.
Anything goes, so long as it makes sense to the person writing the cheque.™
Investing or Lending
Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers and Agents
Trade & Profit from Private Lending; Sleep Well at Night™
Do you want your clients to participate in the lucrative world of certified quality managed private lending to earn the returns as described at our MQCC Investor-Lender page?
Do you want to earn money in private lending without compromising, invalidating or otherwise affecting your errors & omissions insurance?
Understand that not every mortgage brokerage is permitted to trade in private lending. Who decides? Your EO Insurance coverage; your regulator required Customer Relationship decision (agent for borrower, intermediary or agent for lender).
Pursuant to RECA standards of conduct (https://www.reca.ca/consumers/standards/rules/part2-div1.htm)
Industry Member Prohibitions
Industry members must not:
(section 42), (c) use confidential information obtained from any person for personal gain nor should that information be used for any purpose other than that for which it was obtained;
Section 42,combined with Section 43 (Written Service Agreements), 44 (Protection of Client Information) places the same burden of confidentiality on your client (the private investor-lender)
Agent for Lender Requirements
Mortgage brokerages are cautioned that their industry members must only undertake activities that match the type of relationship the brokerage has chosen to have with lenders and/or borrowers (e.g. AGENT FOR BORROWER). For example, if a mortgage brokerage business model is to act as an intermediary, an advertisement that indicates “we ensure borrowers get the best mortgage rate” may be false and/or misleading, as it could lead a borrower to believe that the mortgage brokerage is working on his or her behalf. Appropriate wording could be “we work with borrowers to provide appropriate options for their consideration.”
MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (MQCC) - your only safe way to trade and profit from certified statutory, regulatory and process (SRP™) conformity private lending in Canada.
If your brokerage choses to act for borrowers, or as an intermediary. It (or it's licensed agents) can NOT act for a private lender (as defined by RECA). So, it may be best to direct your private lending activity (or refer your interested investor-lenders) to a trusted quality brokerage firm that has chosen to act for private lenders from the outset, ie; MortgageQuote Canada Corp. For the record, MQCC is Canada's ONLY mortgage brokerage firm that is certified to be fully compliant with regulatory private lender interaction requirements, in Canada. First in Canada: Certified Quality Management System & Certified Regulatory Compliance
You still get control of your investor-lender referral and you still participate in the lucrative private lending area, it's just that you do it within the context of compliance.
This is the best way to prevent downstream issues from arising.
Similar to Alberta
Similar to Alberta
Contact your MQCC™ BDO for details: underwriting@mortgagequote.ca
Broker Tools, Training and Support
Broker Tools
Certified Unified Risk Based Quality Management Systems (uQMS™)for Licensed Mortgage Brokers
Email us at info@mortgagequote.ca
Broker Training & Support
Click Here to Contact us via email or Click here to Register Online with MQCC website for Broker Training & Support
Email MQCC™ Broker Support Site Team
Why MQCC™ SAFER™ Private Finance is Important for Government and Non-Government Regulated and Licensed Credit Intermediaries (Loan and Mortgage Brokers)?
One reason is that MQCC is important because it recognizes the true risk that face government licensed and regulated credit intermediaries when they trade in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow goods (products) or services (methods); as follows:
1 - One or All of the following parties:
your customer
your regulatory body
your licensing body
your professional liability and errors and omissions insurer, risk underwriter, insurance agent or broker
your Designated Broker
your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of your brokerage
your brokerages' Top Management (as defined in the applicable Canadian Federal and International Standard)
your brokerage's shareholders, investors, lenders and corporate risk insurers/Directors and Officer's Liability Insurer and risk underwriters
prospective customers
require that you or your:
Fellow Brokers (Agents and Sub-Brokers)
Unlicensed assistants
trade in credit transactions:
to a standard that conform to expectations and requirements by regulators, consumers, investors, lenders, fellow employees, shareholders of your brokerage, Top Management of your brokerage and your professional liability and errors and omissions insurers/brokers/agents; namely, that you:
Operate or Function or Act in a manner that is beyond reproach (or, at the minimum, accountable); specifically, that is:
at a minimum; competent in nature (ie; you have necessary and sufficient training; you are tested for efficacy and possess minimum competency standards to trade with the public.)
Example of Competency Standards include: MQCC™ Competency - Private Finance 001/2006-2021-CPFS
Visit PEM® Institute (PEMI®) at www.PEMInstitute.org to learn more.
at a minimum; proficient in nature (ie; you have necessary and sufficient training; you are tested for efficacy and possess minimum proficiency standards to trade with the public and lead others in the role of an authority on the subject.)
Example of Proficiency Standards include: MQCC™ Proficiency - Private Finance 001/2006-2021-PPFS
Visit PEM® Institute (PEMI®) at www.PEMInstitute.org to learn more.
so that all:
statutory requirements
regulatory requirements
industry requirements
procedural requirements
are satisfied, for each and every transaction in which you are involved; with records and evidence of conformity to be held and made available for regulatory audit or other discovery, for a period of up to seven (7) years; subject to your jurisdiction of regulation, licensure or operation.
2 - All of the following leadership roles:
regulatory bodies and regulators (Chief Executive Officers CEO; Executive Directors; Investigators; Lawyers; Market Conduct Officials)
Professional liability and errors and omissions insurer, risk underwriter, insurance agent or brokers
Lawyers with an expertise in professional negligence
Trained, Tested and Accredited Academics
Will acknowledge that the nature, quality, feature, characteristic, extent and function of financial (finance industry sector) trade classified as:
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow
for example:
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow loans
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow mortgages
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow financial sector services (methods)
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow other financial sector services (methods) or goods (products) - fungible and non-fungible
is scientifically (precisely, exactly, empirically, materially, measurably) dissimilar to trade in traditional and general financial intermediation, namely,
Non-Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow
for example:
Non Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow loans
Non Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow mortgages
Non Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow financial sector services (methods)
Non Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow other financial sector services (methods) or goods (products)
Financial goods (products) and services (methods) provided by
(a) Central Banks (CB)
(b) Federally Regulated Financial Institutions (FRFI)
(c) other-jurisdiction-Regulated financial institutions, including those regulated by members of:
FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority; USA)
CSA (Canadian Securities Association; Canada)
FCA (Financial Conduct Authority; United Kingdom UK)
And other International equivalent bodies
scientifically (precisely, exactly, empirically, materially, measurably) dissimilar because the Kind of Activity Units KAU which produce the output of Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow goods and services are inherently not the same as the KAU which produces the output of non- goods and services, specifically, the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added is not the same; (KAU is a definition of the OECD, United Nations and member states; see OECD/UN/WIPO/WTO Textbook written by Anoop Bungay available at Amazon® and Google Play®; entitled:
How the April 9, 2005 - World's First - Commercial Application of "Principles of 'BlockChain'" Was Influenced by Secretaries- & Directors-General of UNGA, OECD, WIPO & WTO Organizations from 2001-2005How the April 9, 2005 -World's First- Commercial Application of "Principles of 'BlockChain'" Were Influenced by Secretaries- & Directors-General of UNGA, OECD, WIPO & WTO Organizations from 2001-2005); for organizational references).
3 - In additional to Industry Sector-based differences, the Occupational differences are also dissimilar because the "tasks" which comprise the "the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added" are separate and distinct; borne of dissimilar:
Blooms Framework
DACUM Framework
Standard Occupational Classification Framework
and dissimilar:
work performance (for both regulated and non-regulated activities and extents)
job duties
accreditation of educational organizations
career frameworks
standards and applications of systems, technologies and tools
degrees or other credentials generally required
and dissimilar:
competency standards
proficiency standards
and dissimilar:
organization direction and planning
organization management
organization and employee supervision
and dissimilar:
compensation to practitioners
costs and fees to applicants/borrowers
investment returns and yields to investors and lenders
and dissimilar:
professional liability; errors and omissions risk liability insurer/broker/agent underwriting standards
rates of risk; for example, all regulators and professional liability insurers will confirm that Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow finance sector transactions inherently have a higher probability of high-risk events including:
* Loss of Investor-Lender funds $$;
* Predatory behaviour of untrained Investors, Lenders, Brokers;
* Improper understanding of critical and complex residential and commercial private lending transactions;
* Insufficient or improper training, education, testing, accreditation, skills assessment of practitioners;
* Insufficient or improper standards, systems, technology and tools at both a corporation, organization and individual level (COIN™);
* Insufficient experience; 3 years for vocational standard; 4 years for bachelor degree level; 6 years for Masters (bachelor degree included); 8 years for Ph. D. level (bachelor, masters included); 12 - 15 years for expert standard; leadership level experience.
* This is not a complete list;
resulting in the causing of harm to consumers (applicants, borrowers, investors, lenders) by persons or organizations that do not possess necessary and sufficient skills, education, training, experience, organizational systems and organizational controls to effect competent or proficient delivery of goods and services of a Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow quality or nature resulting in:
* Financial $$$ penalties paid by brokers, brokerages, agents and sub-brokers due to nonconformity events including system errors, omissions and human errors and omissions;
* Regulatory complaints against brokers, agents or sub-brokers and unlicensed assistants;
* Company (brokerage) complaints;
* Statements of Claim (legal disputes);
* This is not a complete list.
Another reason is that MQCC is important is because it revolutionized the standards, systems, technologies and tools related to the origination and completion of 'private lending' or Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow finance sector transactions because:
MQCC is the Global Network Administrator GNA™ for PRIVATLENDER.ORG: Canada's Private Lending Network®; The World's Private Finance Network™
Which revolutionized mortgage origination by introducing: Professional Liability and Errors and Omissions Prevention-Integrated, Fully Indemnified Private Lender Origination for Mortgage Brokerages whose Professional Liability, Errors and Omissions Insurance companies do not classify and recognize and insure the brokerage for "primarily trading in non-bank or Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow goods (products) and services (methods)"; and therefore the organization does not possess the minimum standards of competence nor proficiency and systems, technology and infrastructure, management and supervision expected of a practitioner or organization that primarily trades in, and is insured primarily for, trade in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow goods (products) and services (methods). Register at edu.MQUCC.org to learn more; or simply send your deals to MQCC™ and Learn as you Work™.
All you need is an email account to ENTER THE BLOCKCHAIN™ (www.EnterTheBlockChain.com); or simply email your files to underwriting@mortgagequote.ca to enjoy the benefits (subject to organization regulatory intake agreements signed by your broker of record or CEO).
This is just some examples of why MQCC™ is good for you. Read this website and related websites and textbooks to learn fully and completely.
Learn more about MQCC™ SAFER™ PRIVATE Finance Intermediation for government and non-government licensed and regulated intermediaries (brokers, agents, sub-brokers) for mortgages and loans at broker.mortgagequote.ca.
BROKERS - APPLY NOW for your Customers (Applicants, Borrowers or Investors)
Enter the Errors and Omissions Insurance Integrated, Fully Indemnified, MQCC™ SAFER™ Private Finance System-Network at here or visit:
Discover MQCC® Retirement Options for the Mortgage Industry: Mortgage Brokers and Agents; support and executive staff.
Benefits of MQCC™ SAFER™ Private in your Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- Establish Trust
in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- Create a Transparent Operating Environment
for Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- Establish Accountability
in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- Assure Products (goods) and Methods (services) meet National and International Standards of Quality resulting in better, safer and more efficient products and methods
related to Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- MQCC™ Systems Level Artificial Intelligence (SLAI™) -based
for errors and omissions, professional liability insurance risk management and underwriting integration and assurance.
For the benefit of the following class of financial sector participants or entities:
Non-Government Organization
For the benefit of the following roles of financial sector participants or entities:
Borrower - Investee
For the following goods (products) and services (methods):
Other Asset or Debt or "Object of Value" (fungible or non fungible)
MQCC™ PrivateLender.org® SAFER™ Private Program for Mortgages And Loans
Mortgage and Loan Related Resources
Borrower - Investee
Borrower - Investee
www.privatelender.org: Global Private Lending Network®
www.PEMInstitute.org Private Equity Mortgage Institute®
And see the Borrower Articles found in the MQCC Blog™: Blog.MortgageQuote.ca
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
General Investor Website:
www.PEMInstitute.org Private Equity Mortgage Institute®
www.GAMUS.org GAMUS: Generally Accepted Mortgage Underwriting Standards™
www.CMHCBlockChain.com: MQCC™ Canada Mortgage/d’Hypothèques Conformity (CMHC) BlockChain
MQCC™ FCP Fiduciary Capital Partners™ Website:
Investing for Professional Active and Retired Athletes Website:
And see the Investor Articles found in the MQCC Blog™: Blog.MortgageQuote.ca
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
Government Regulated Mortgage Brokers Website:
www.PEMInstitute.org Private Equity Mortgage Institute®
www.GAMUS.org GAMUS: Generally Accepted Mortgage Underwriting Standards™
www.CMHCBlockChain.com: MQCC™ Canada Mortgage/d’Hypothèques Conformity (CMHC) BlockChain
And see the Broker Articles found in the MQCC Blog™: Blog.MortgageQuote.ca
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
Government and Regulator Website:
And see the Regulator Articles found in the MQCC Blog™: Blog.MortgageQuote.ca
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
Errors and Omissions; Professional Liability Insurers Website:
www.PEMInstitute.org Private Equity Mortgage Institute®
www.GAMUS.org GAMUS: Generally Accepted Mortgage Underwriting Standards™
www.CMHCBlockChain.com: MQCC™ Canada Mortgage/d’Hypothèques Conformity (CMHC) BlockChain
And see the Insurer Articles found in the MQCC Blog™: Blog.MortgageQuote.ca
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
Canada - Regulatory Protocols - License, Licensing and Licensure
Requirement to be Licensed
Real Estate Secured Broker Licensing Requirements
Jurisdictions of Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario
MQCC License Lookup™
License Lookup™
Are you Licensed to Trade? Your name must appear in the registry for the province in which the mortgaged property is located. Read below for details.
MQCC License Lookup™
Alberta click here for RECA registry
British Columbia click here for FICOM registry
Ontario click here for FSCO registry
Saskatchewan has some exceptions - contact us for details.
Broker Licensing Requirements - Other Provinces, Territories, Jurisdictions in Canada
AB - Alberta - must be registered with RECA
BC - British Columbia - must be registered with FICOM
ON - Ontario - must be registered with FSCO
Other - Registration Required - SK, MB, QC, NS, NFLD, NB
Other - No Registration Required - PEI, NT, NU, NWT, YK
This information is subject to change without notice.
Broker Licensing Requirements - AB, BC, ON (NEED TO BE LICENSED™) or Simple Referral program (referrals.mortgagequote.ca)
Requirement to be Licensed
In Alberta, BC and Ontario, only Licensed Mortgage agents/brokers/sub-brokers within the jurisdiction of the property may interview mortgage applicants, obtain mortgage application information and prepare a mortgage application then submit same to a lender. There is no such thing as an unlicensed co-broker. (This is NOT legal or regulatory advice).
Designated Co-Brokered Transactions
All private mortgage transactions are designated as "co-brokered" transactions. MortgageQuote acts for the investor-lender and the originating mortgage brokerage acts for the mortgage applicant, so your jurisdiction's co-broker regulations will apply.
Co-Broker, Lead Generation Rules & When a License is Required
(licensed users only please)
In Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario, (where MortgageQuote.ca is licensed), the mortgage origination business is overseen by regulatory bodies. An individual AND his or her parent company must BOTH be licensed, registered and be "in good standing" to trade or deal in mortgage transactions in one of those jurisdictions. The July 1, 2011 changes to the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT), allow for individuals already licensed in one province, to have their occupational educational qualifications recognized by another province. Notwithstanding, in order to practice in another province, an individual is required to REGISTER with the regulatory body of the other province - so long as they are in an occupation that requires registration. "Mortgage Brokering" is an occupation that requires registration.
The recent laws have only made it easier to transfer educational requirements from one provincial jurisdiction to another, however for mortgage industry members, the requirement to register in order to trade in another province, remains. Failure to license/register and to transact in mortgages is unlawful, will void Errors and Omissions claims and will expose you and your mortgage brokerage to lawsuits for fraudulent origination or worse; by both the borrower, the lender, the regulatory authority or all.
Jurisdictional License Reciprocity
The below links from the various regulators should help clarify any confusion for you.
Alberta's Occupational Standards Recognition Policy for Mortgage Brokers (from other jurisdictions) - click here for details.
British Columbia (BC) Bulletin RE: Licensing Reciprocity for Current Licensees in Other Provinces - click here for details.
Ontario (ON) Bulletin RE: Licensing Reciprocity for Current Licensees in Other Provinces - click here for details.
License/Registration Test
The questions we ask to determine your license and registration requirements for any transaction, is the following:
1.1 - 'where is the location (jurisdiction) of the primary property being mortgaged?'
1.2 - 'Is the Application Referral Source, namely you, registered with the governing mortgage broker regulatory body of that jurisdiction?'
In order to ensure compliance to this requirement, it is important to ensure that you are licensed, registered and in good standing with one of the registrars. See the License Registry section below, to confirm you and your company are duly licensed, registered and in good standing.
License Registry
For Alberta mortgage transactions, your name and company information should appear in this registry: click here for RECA registry.
For British Columbia mortgage transactions, your name and company information should appear in this registry: click here for FICOM registry.
For Ontario mortgage transactions, your name and company information should appear in this registry: click here for FSCO registry and Search for FSCO Declaration of Compliance requirement.
If your name appears in either registry, this means we are able to receive mortgage applications from you.
If your name does not appear in either registry and you have taken educational courses to become a mortgage Associate or Sub-Broker and you are in the business of mortgage brokering, please ask your company compliance officer for assistance.
If your name does not appear in the either registry and you have NOT taken educational courses to become a mortgage Associate or Sub-Broker see Options for Unlicensed Individuals, below.
If your name or company name does NOT appear in the registry, and you are a licensed mortgage in another province, then you may qualify for extra-provincial registration. See Jurisdictional License Reciprocity links section, to learn more.
Options for Unlicensed Individuals
If you are not able to provide confirmation of license and registration, you have the following options:
4.1 - refer your client to a colleague who is duly registered in the jurisdiction of question, in order that they may send the file to our office for action.
4.2 - register yourself and, if necessary, your brokerage firm, with the regulatory body in the jurisdiction of question.
4.3 - you may still refer your file to MortgageQuote.ca Private Lending Services, and you would be treated as an unlicensed and unregistered 'simple referral source'. You would not be able to communicate mortgage options or negotiate terms with the applicant because you are not licensed to trade in mortgages within the jurisdiction. MortgageQuote.ca will need to undertake the communication, negotiation and fulfillment of the transction, directly with the borrower. This means you would be paid a referral fee of upto 20% of the paid origination fee to MortgageQuote.ca. The actual amount will be determined upon review of the work required for the file. Visit referrals.mortgagequote.ca to learn more.
4.4 - you would like to be in the mortgage business, the visit www.mortgagejobs.org to learn more.
Is this a new thing?
If you are a mortgage broker and this situation affects you; you may not have encountered this issue until today. If you have historically been dealing in mortgages in other provinces and no other lender has brought this to your attention, we cannot fully explain that. What we can say, however is the following:
Some lenders are so "hungry for deals" that they don't care about the origination process. Afterall, most lenders are ultimately regulated by federal laws, not necessarily provincial laws.
Caution: Most transactions go through "without a hitch" however an incorrectly originated transaction has the potential to nullify a lender's security. A borrower only needs an experienced lawyer to see the mistakes; then the lawyer can file an application with the courts for relief.
If a lender ends up losing money due to a poorly originated transaction (or worse, a smart lawyer), you can be sure that they will look to the mortgage professional who originated the mortgage, along with his or her broker and brokerage for compensation (or as a third-party to law suit). Then, an Errors and Omission (EOE) claim starts.
Problem: The problem with EOE insurers, is that they usually cover claims for transactions for the provinces in which a broker is licensed. Once an EOE insurer determines that a person was not duly licensed to practice in a province for which a claim is being filed, most likely they will refuse to assist.
The best thing is to ask your Designated Broker or Designated Individual for guidance, or read the rules of the Regulator's website in the province which you are not licensed in - but should be.
Ask your Errors & Omissions Insurer
One final note: Errors & Omissions insurers policies usually cover mortgage brokers for the provinces in which they and their licensed employees are duly registered. You should ask your EOE provider for guidance.
Source: When a License is Required (private MQCC® link)
Co-Broker Requirements, Lead Generation Rules & When a License is Required
Co-Broker Requirements
Alberta Regulatory Co-Broker Requirements
Purpose: This bulletin outlines the obligations of an industry professional when they make a referral.
This bulletin applies to all industry professionals.
A “referral” means “the act of recommending or directing a person for service, assistance, or business to another person or business.” A referral in exchange for a fee or other compensation is a common practice in the real estate and mortgage brokerage industries.
Real estate, property managers and mortgage professionals must disclose that they may receive a fee or compensation to the person they are referring.
Industry professionals can only disclose client confidential information with the consent of that person.
Consent of client to disclose confidential information The person you are referring must consent to the sharing of their information for the referral. You can only share the information with the person the client agrees to share the information.
Confidential information means “any information concerning the client including the client’s financial or personal situation, the client’s real estate and the transaction involving the client.” Many referrals will involve disclosing only basic information, like name, email address and phone number. Other referrals may require more
information about a person, such as the person’s real estate, property management, mortgage or appraisal requirements, or their financial situation.
In all cases, industry professionals must receive written consent from the person whose information they will be giving to a third party before releasing that information.
Referral disclosure requirements
If an industry professional may receive a referral fee or other compensation, they must first disclose to the person subject of the referral the following:
that the industry professional will be giving the person’s confidential information to a third party service provider
what information the third party will receive such as name, phone number or email, or other confidential information
that the industry professional may receive a referral fee or other benefit from the service provider for making the referral
This disclosure must be in writing and include an acknowledgement by the client that they consent to this referral. If they do not agree, do not make the referral.
The written disclosure and acknowledgment must be part of the brokerage file. Industry professionals should know to whom they are making the
referral. If referring a client to another industry professional it is the referring industry professionals’ responsibility to take reasonable steps to ensure the person has a licence to carry out the service for the referral client.
The easy way to determine if an industry professional holds a licence with RECA is to visit RECA’s website at www.reca.ca and use “Search for
an Industry Professional”.
If referring a client to an industry professional outside of Alberta, there are several ways to determine whether that third party holds a licence in their
The Association of Real Estate Licence Law Officials (ARELLO) is an international organization that provides a “Real Estate Licence Verification” search tool on their website www.ARELLO.com. Most Canadian provinces and US states are members of ARELLO and supply ARELLO with current information.
If you cannot verify the licence status of an industry professional on www.ARELLO.com, search the website of the licensing authority in the province or state of the third party. If the website does not give an online licence search function, contact the licensing authority directly.
Do not make the referral unless you can confirm that the third party holds a licence for what you are referring your client.
You may only pay and receive referral fees through your brokerage
Referrals of clients you make are on behalf of the brokerage with which
you hold a licence. The brokerage must receive all referral fees or benefits from any referrals.
BC Co-Broker Requirements
Mortgage brokers enter into co‐brokering arrangements with other mortgage brokers when they share the responsibility to originate mortgages with other mortgage brokers. Co‐brokering differs from making mortgage referrals, as referral sources pass on potential client information to other registered brokers without participating in the origination process.
Activities which are included in the origination process include:
Meeting with borrowers;
Taking mortgage applications;
Conducting due diligence to confirm the identity of potential borrowers and to verify the application information provided to lenders;
Obtaining required consents from clients to perform credit bureau searches;
Shopping mortgage applications to lenders;
Providing mortgage commitments to borrowers and ensuring that conditions are satisfied;