National Standards-based
Finance Industry Sector
COMMERCIALIZED METAVERSE-Integrated (www.metaversepedia™.info) Canadian Central Bank (Bank of Canada) and International Equivalent, Federal National Standards-level of Quality Management and Safety Program for:
Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance; Fungible and Non-Fungible Finance-Sector Tokens
(visit www.BlockChainPedia™ to find out how to learn about basic Terminology, Concepts and Knowledge)
Canada - International
National Codes and Standards of Conduct for Better, Safer and More Efficient Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance
(Learn more from: International Peer-to-Peer (P2P) & Private Finance Association IP2PFA™ (
An initiative of MQCC® MortgageQuote Canada Corp. in collaboration with:
Welcome to MQCC™ MortgageQuote Canada Corp. Private Lending Network™/®; the World's First, Proven and Trusted Global Private (Crypto; non-Crypto) Financial Network™ since at least as early as April 9,2005.
Government Regulated Mortgage Broker and Regulatory Exempt Intermediary page. Private Lending Network™/® ( originally programmed and brought online on April 9, 2005 by Santosh K. Bungay for his brother, Anoop K. Bungay's Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance (see International Peer-to-Peer (P2P) & Private Finance Association IP2PFA™ business for the trading in utility tokens, securities tokens, conformity tokens, quality tokens, fungible tokens (FT) and non-fungible tokens (NFT) and First brought online on April 9, 2005, Canada's Private Lending Network® & Global Private Lending Network™ is the not only the "Word's First and Most Trusted Global Private (Crypto; non-Crypto) Financial Network"; is the "World's First Hybrid-Regulatory Integrated, trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"-based" Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance System-Network."
Setting the Global Standard for quality, compliance, enforced compliance (conformity) safety and risk reduction in Peer-to-Peer(P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret: lending, investing & finance transactions within an expert system that is registered for statutory, regulatory and process conformity to the International and National Standards of 119 Countries since at least before April 9, 2005.
Making Peer-to-Peer(P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret Financial Transactions, Safer, Better and More Efficient for Consumers, Industry and Government.
Commercial origination, manufacture, trading and intermediation of:
Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Securities in:
Classic Paper-based Document Format
Utility tokens including BITCOIN™ trademark brand utility token (and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent)
Securities tokens including BITMORTGAGE® trademark brand securities token (and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent)
Conformity tokens including BITCONFORMITY™ trademark brand conformity token (and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent)
Quality tokens including BITQUALITY™ trademark brand quality token (and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent)
Fungible tokens (FT); both binary digit and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent
Non-fungible tokens (NFT); both binary digit and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent
Regulatory tokens; both binary digit and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent
Artificially Intelligent Smart NFT Contracts (aiSMARTnft™); both binary digit and non-binary digit (cold) equivalent
Managed for risk, regulatory integrity, customer satisfaction and professional liability (errors and omission) prevention, detection and corrective action using:
MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN™ trademark brand, conformity science-based, Quality Management System services
Visit (and Regulators, Policy Makers, Elected and Appointed Officials, Scientists and Academics) to learn more
Visit to learn more
MQCC™ BITCOIN™ trademark brand, conformity science-based, brand Quality Management System services
Visit to learn more
MQCC™ CRYPTO™ trademark brand, conformity science-based, brand Quality Management System services
Visit to learn more
World's First and Most Tested, Most Trusted Securities Token Available world-wide in up to 118+ Countries under the following trademark brand names:
Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Securities
"Do Private Lending Right™": At the Regulatory-Recognized National Standard of Quality, Safety and Efficiency™
As Canada's National Standard for Safe, Reliable, Good; Better Safer and More Efficient™ Private Lending, if your Government Licensed Mortgage Broker is using MQCC™ Private Lending Network™, you are Assured that they are Doing Private Lending Right!
Why do Risk-Aware, Quality-Minded, Experienced, Discerning, CEO's, Designated Brokers and Brokers-of-Record of Government Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Firms Choose the MQCC™ Private Lending Network™/® for all of their Organization's:
To protect their company reputation and brand though MQCC™ 15+ Years of MQCC Standards™ based Systems (SBS™) built on something called "BlockChain" comprised of risk-based systems, technology, services (methods, processes) and products (goods, wares);
Establish trust at a BANK OF CANADA level; for over 15 years, equivalent MQCC Standards™ (integrated with ISO 9001:2001, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015) are also adopted by the Bank of Canada and the equivalent MQCC Standards™ are recognized and trusted by ALL Canadian (and International equivalent) Federal and Provincial Financial Regulators to maintain the highest levels of quality and conformity to statutory, regulatory, customer, shareholder, stakeholder and Top Management requirements.
To safeguard their consumer customers; government-licensed mortgage brokers; broker-of-record, Designated Individuals and Top Management
Maintain utmost levels - [at the National Standard level] - of conformity to regulatory and statutory requirements
Prevent and eliminate exposure (inadvertently or fraudulently) of customer personal information and private information to predatory lenders, fraudsters and inexperienced investors and lenders
Prevent liability caused by errors, omissions, customer complaints and regulatory complaints due to absence of in-house systems, processes, controls; training, competency testing, proficiency testing of Top Management and Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers, Sub-Brokers and Agents
Identify opportunities for continual improvement and corrective action of Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers who inadvertently create errors, omissions or other non-conformity due to lack of experience;
Provide the highest levels - [at the National Standard level] - of empirical, measurable Quality.
Maintain the highest levels of organization integrity in all interactions with MQCC™ matters related to Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance in a manner that conforms to requirements of professional liability, errors and omission
Sustain a competitive advantage
Generate greater revenue
Reduce Regulatory-Risk
Increase efficiency and reduce organization infrastructure costs
Enjoy the benefits of the World's first and leading, Active Fraud Avoidance Technology System (AFATS™); a BlockChain-based system that is built on the World's First and Most Trusted BlockChain System-Network™: the MQCC BlockChain™
Transfer a majority of the learning, education, training, competency and proficiency risk away from the CEO's Government Licensed Mortgage to MQCC™ Private Lending Network™/®
Reduce carbon footprint by interacting with the Bungay International Technology BIT™ Conformity of Organization and Individual (COIN™) utility token system-network, in accordance with the National Standard-integrated, MQCC™ Carbon Footprint Reduction Program
Promote market leadership by participating in the World's First and Most Trusted, Regulatory-Recognized, National - International Standards-based, Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance System-Network™, marketed world-wide in up to 118+ countries under the source identifier trademark brand name: BITMORTGAGE®/™
Establish systems-based conformity (enforced compliance) in accordance to regulatory requirements and professional liability, errors and omissions policy requirements
Do Private Lending Easy™: All you need is an email address to enter the MQCC™ Private Lending Network™/®
Maintain industry leadership as an early adopter of the organized, regulatory-integrated, national and international standards-based trade in digital and non-digital real-estate-secured financial products including BlockChain-based Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens
Assure customers, regulators and professional liability errors and omissions insurers that you are treating consumers (applicants, borrowers, investors) fairly and diligently in a non-predatory manner
Enjoy peace and well-being, knowing that the regulatory-risk in their dealings with MQCC™ Private Lending Network™ is borne by MQCC™ in matters of Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance
This is NOT a complete list of benefits to Risk-Aware, Quality-Minded, Experienced, Discerning, CEO's, Designated Brokers and Brokers-of-Record of Government Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Firms.
Seek First to Understand: Learn then Earn™
2018 “A Review into the Merits of Open Banking”: Department of Finance, Canada.
2019 Subject: MQCC - Government of Alberta: Offer-to-Assist Government of Alberta Ministers re: Corrective Action and Sector Improvement of Alberta Regulatory Bodies (AER/RECA); Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA); Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)
Minister of Environment and Parks, House Leader
Honourable Jason Nixon
Minister of Energy, Deputy House Leader
Honourable Sonya Savage
Minister of Service Alberta
Honourable Nate Glubish
Auditor General of Alberta
Doug Wylie FCPA, FCMA, ICD.D
Alberta Ethics Commissioner
Office of the Ethics Commissioner
Honourable Marguerite Trussler, QC
Public Interest Commissioner
Marianne Ryan
See page 89 (click here) of the 2019 TREASURY BOARD SECRETARIAT
Regulatory modernization
Canada Document
Canadian National Standard-class
MQCC™ Canada Mortgage/d’Hypothèques Conformity (CMHC) BlockChain
Sector & Function Resource Manual
2022 BCFSA BC Financial Services Authority (Blair Morrison) and CMBBC Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association BC (Deb White)
Letter to CMBBC - BCFSA - 10-Feb-22 - Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association BC - BC Financial Services Agency BCFSA Top Management
Canada: MBRCC Mortgage Broker Regulators' Council of Canada & Other Regulatory Bodies
READ THE TEXTBOOK at Amazon® or Google Play®
Teaching SEC™: SCIENTISTS, SECURITIES: Regulator-Policy Maker-Investigator-Lawyer; EXCHANGE, LAW ENFORCEMENT, EDUCATORS: Officers; CHIEF EXECUTIVES: Top Management-CEO of Regulatory & Regulated Bodies
Author: Anoop Bungay
Government and Non-Government Licensed and Regulated Credit Intermediaries (loan brokers and mortgage brokers); do "private finance" and "private lending" right (correctly and properly) -- do it to the Canada's Federal National and International Equivalent (in 118+ Countries) Standard; better, safer and more efficiently, with MQCC™.
HOME TO CANADA and the WORLD'S SAFER™ BRAND STANDARD FOR PRIVATE (Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow) FINANCE
Welcome the global home of MQCC™ Canada-International, Sustainable, Accountable, Flexible-Fair-Fiduciary-Frank, Efficient, Regulated-Respectful-Realistic (SAFER™) “Private Lending” Program ( for project summary) and "the MQCC LOSS-LESS™ Origination" Program for Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers
who originate non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt and free trading; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow real-estate-secured financial instruments (mortgages).
MQCC™: Canada's ONLY National, International Standards (NISC™) Class Regulatory Compliant,
Non-Bank, Private Mortgage Lending Solutions
Powered by LENDING LOOP®: Enabling Person-to-Person Mortgage Capital through Licensed Mortgage Brokers. Making money go round.™
Learn about Person-to-Person Mortgage Capital at
Home of the Entrepreneur Options™ Creative Mortgage Financing and Federal Government, Trademark Registered Venture Capital, High Ratio Private Mortgage: VenCap PRV® Programs
Benefits of MQCC™ SAFER™ Private (Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow) Finance Sector Transactions
- Establish Trust
in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- Create a Transparent Operating Environment
for Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- Establish Accountability
in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- Assure Products (goods) and Methods (services) meet National and International Standards of Quality resulting in better, safer and more efficient products and methods
related to Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance Transactions
- MQCC™ Systems Level Artificial Intelligence (SLAI™) -based
for errors and omissions, professional liability insurance risk management and underwriting integration and assurance.
- Reduce, Identify or Eliminate Fraud
Using the 12+ year-old Artificial Intelligence (AI) and conformity science (quantum unification) based BLOCKCHAIN™ brand AFATS™ Active Fraud Avoidance System™ designed to identify instances of fraud resulting in reduction or elimination of fraudulent events.
For the benefit of the following class of financial sector participants or entities:
Non-Government Organization
For the benefit of the following roles of financial sector participants or entities:
Borrower - Investee
For the following goods (products) and services (methods):
Other Asset or Debt or "Object of Value" (fungible or non fungible)
MQCC™® SAFER™ Private Program for Mortgages And Loans
Mortgage and Loan Related Resources
Borrower - Investee
Borrower - Investee Global Private Lending Network® Private Equity Mortgage Institute®
And see the Borrower Articles found in the MQCC Blog™:
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
General Investor Website: Private Equity Mortgage Institute® GAMUS: Generally Accepted Mortgage Underwriting Standards™ MQCC™ Canada Mortgage/d’Hypothèques Conformity (CMHC) BlockChain
MQCC™ FCP Fiduciary Capital Partners™ Website:
Investing for Professional Active and Retired Athletes Website:
And see the Investor Articles found in the MQCC Blog™:
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
Government Regulated Mortgage Brokers Website: Private Equity Mortgage Institute® GAMUS: Generally Accepted Mortgage Underwriting Standards™ MQCC™ Canada Mortgage/d’Hypothèques Conformity (CMHC) BlockChain
And see the Broker Articles found in the MQCC Blog™:
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
Government and Regulator Website:
And see the Regulator Articles found in the MQCC Blog™:
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
Errors and Omissions; Professional Liability Insurers Website: Private Equity Mortgage Institute® GAMUS: Generally Accepted Mortgage Underwriting Standards™ MQCC™ Canada Mortgage/d’Hypothèques Conformity (CMHC) BlockChain
And see the Insurer Articles found in the MQCC Blog™:
More references websites are found in the footer of this website.
MQCC Blog™: Articles and Open Secrets™
Currency & Other Asset or Debt or "Object of Value"
Visit to learn more.
MQCC SAFER™ Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/ Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance: Be The Bank® Series "Private Lending" Program
Available at Amazon® and Google Play®
Legislator, Regulator & CEO Conformity Handbook: British Columbia (BC), Canada; Finance Sector Edition: Spring 2020
Available at Amazon® and Google Play®
Accredited Class®/™ Education and Accreditation for Institutions and Programs
For Corporations, Organizations and Institutions (COIN™) Entities including:
Public and Private: Regulatory Bodies; Regulated Bodies; Licensing Bodies; Licensed Bodies
Meets or Exceeds United States Department of Education (DOE) Quality Standards for Quality Assurance in Education at the institutions and programs (faculties) level
(There are two basic types of educational accreditation [recognized by the United States Department of Education (DOE)], one identified as "institutional" and one referred to as "specialized" or "programmatic.")
Canada: MBRCC Mortgage Broker Regulators' Council of Canada & Other Regulatory Bodies
READ THE TEXTBOOK at Amazon® or Google Play®
Teaching Harvard & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations World-Wide: True "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™
Author: Anoop Bungay
MQCC™ Private Lender Network™/® Universe
The Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Association (CQMFA™) is an independent, private organization that serves to network, educate, professionalize and promote Quality Management-in-Finance. Namely, those finance sector companies who are certified to ISO 9001:2015 (or ISO 9001:2008) Quality Management Standards. Certification to ISO 9001:2015 empowers CQFMFA™ members to strengthen their market position in bring benefits of quality management to their stakeholders.
2005-2021+; World's first, most trusted, 100% trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"-based Crypto Exchange.
PEMX®: The Safer, Better and More Efficient Private Equity Mortgage Exchange; Private Electronic Money Exchange; Private Electronic Mortgage Exchange and related token based financial securities exchange - recognized by international standard-setting bodies; regulators, legislators and legal professionals as the world's first cryptofinancial exchange and world's first cryptofinancial exchange registered to ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 continuously since May 9, 2008*; trading in the BITMORTGAGE® trademark registered brand of real-estate secured non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow securities and related financial instruments.
Consumer, Commercial Sector and Industry Accountability
Office of the Shadow Banking System Ombudsperson
WHISTLEBLOWER Reporting System-Network
Help keep finance safe for everyone; correct nonconformity, fraud and similar problems.