About FSO™

What is FSO™

  • FSO™ is a trademark source identifier for the MQCC™ division of financial standards, found at www.FinanceStandars.org. The goal is to help the world bring safety to finance using the MQCC™ experience.

Primary Focus

  • The primary focus is to develop standards, develop ACCREDITED CLASS® quality-registered (the highest level of consensus-standards-based quality), LET Learning, Education and Training programs, curriculum at an institutional and programmatic level; conformity assessment and credentialing of all parties or roles in a financial transaction.

Where did FSO™ start?

  • From MQCC™ - visit www.mqcc.org for history; or read the text books written by Founder, Anoop Bungay; found on the internet.

Why FSO™?

  • Look at THE WHY? found at www.mqcc.org. Whatever the "world is using" is simply not working.

  • Consensus-based Standards, empirical, evidence-based decision-making, rigorous analysis, academic integrity, continual improvement through preventive and corrective action creates a better, safer and more efficient world.

What differentiates FSO™

  • An initiative of MQCC™.

  • What is MQCC™? MQCC™ Money Quality Conformity Control Organization, incorporated in September 2006 as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.: the World's First BlockChain Company™; the World's Most Trusted BlockChain Company™: www.mqcc.org; and Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals Network (COIN™) Global System-Network: The World's First and Most Trusted "Crypto" System-Network™; established at least as early as April 9, 2005 at www.privatelender.org.

FSO ™vs Accredited Class® Organization

Finance-Specific Standards Integrated with MQCC™ BlockChain™

See website to learn more.

All Standards Integrated with MQCC™ BlockChain™

See website to learn more.