Emerald House

You turn the knob of the green door and see a charismatic young man holding a rifle. He turns and salutes before giving you a wink.

'Fear not! This rifle is harmless. We are currently practising our rifle drills. Anwyay, I’m Zhao Kai, the House Head of Emerald.' He offers his hand for a handshake.

'And I’m Yee Qi from Contemporary Dance.' Turning around, you see Yee Qi doing a perfect split. Wow! How does she do that? Yee Qi bounces to her feet and welcomes you warmly. Her tights covered in shimmery green glitter catches your attention immediately as you shake her hand.

A loud cheer comes from the National Cadet Corps (NCC) who are practising for a fancy drill. The Boys’ Brigade (BB) members are also having quite an animated discussion about their latest community project.

Oh, you recall now. Emerald is a beautiful green gemstone. That explains the lively atmosphere in the room.

'The spiritedness you see comes from the value of vitality that we uphold in Emerald. The Emerald gem radiates hope and renewal. It encourages us to be full of life in all that we do. As a house, we grow in wisdom too,' Dandan shares.

As you watch those CCAs, you feel energised like you have absorbed some of the vibrance and vitality of Emerald. You can't wait to find out more about the CCA families.

Play music for added experience. Credits: bensound.com