Is this Hogwarts?

As you wonder who else will greet you this time, someone taps on your shoulder. You gasp. Turning around, you see a girl before you, wearing a T-shirt that loudly declares BLS. Wait a moment. Why is she wearing a long, flowing robe? Is that a sorting hat she is holding on to? Is this Hogwarts?

'Lo and behold! I’m your mysterious guide. Hush... do not ask for my name but ask yourself where your heart lies. Follow me and the sorting hat would give you directions.' She turns, and you quickly follow to catch up with her.

You enter the school hall and find four majestic cardboard doors before you. This whole scene seems surreal. There are lights, flashing brightly. Red light. Green light. Orange light. Blue light. Ooh, so mesmerising!

'You might belong in Garnet where the brave at heart dwell. Or belong in Morganite with those of moral excellence. Or perhaps in Emerald if you strive to live life to the fullest. If not, in Sapphire where you seek wisdom. Which light will you choose?'

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