The Civil Rights Movement

Overview of the Unit

In this unit students will learn about the civil rights movement in the United States which was a decades-long struggle by African Americans and their like-minded allies to end institutionalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement and racial segregation in the United States.

Essential Questions

  • Why did the Civil Rights movement gain momentum after the Civil War?
  • What motivates a society to change?

Student Outcomes

  • I can describe the goal of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • I can explain how the Civil Rights movement support non-violence.

Standards (ACT Readiness Standards)

  • CLR 501: Locate and interpret minor or subtly stated details in somewhat challenging passages
  • CLR 502: Locate important details in more challenging passages
  • CLR 503: Draw subtle logical conclusions in somewhat challenging passages
  • CLR 504: Draw logical conclusions in more challenging passages
  • CLR 505: Paraphrase virtually any statement as it is used in somewhat challenging passages
  • IDT 501: Infer a central idea or theme in somewhat challenging passages or their paragraphs
  • IDT 502: Identify a clear central idea or theme in more challenging passages or their paragraphs
  • IDT 503: Summarize key supporting ideas and details in more challenging passages