Building a Country

Overview of the Unit

In this unit students will learn about the creation of the Constitution, why is it important to have collaboration in government, what the Federalist Papers are and what The Great Compromise is.

Essential Questions

  • How did ordinary people create the US Constitution?

Student Outcomes

  • I can explain what gives a government their authority.
  • I can explain how are our rights protected.
  • I can explain the liberties we give up to live in a community.

Standards (ACT Readiness Standards)

  • CLR 501: Locate and interpret minor or subtly stated details in somewhat challenging passages
  • CLR 502: Locate important details in more challenging passages
  • CLR 503: Draw subtle logical conclusions in somewhat challenging passages
  • CLR 504: Draw logical conclusions in more challenging passages
  • CLR 505: Paraphrase virtually any statement as it is used in somewhat challenging passages
  • IDT 501: Infer a central idea or theme in somewhat challenging passages or their paragraphs
  • IDT 502: Identify a clear central idea or theme in more challenging passages or their paragraphs
  • IDT 503: Summarize key supporting ideas and details in more challenging passages