Submitting Assignments

Instructors may require you to submit papers electronically through special assignment links in your Blackboard course. To submit an assignment, review the steps outlined below. If you experience a technical problem when submitting an assignment, contact your instructor immediately and review the Assignment Troubleshooting Tips.

Step 1 - Create a Document

In an online course, your instructor may collect assignments through submission links located in your course in Blackboard. This requires you to create documents in a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, Mac Pages, or Google Docs. If you will be using a Chromebook, see these instructions.  

Follow these guidelines to ensure that your file can be opened by your instructor! 

Step 2 - Submit the Assignment

Review the Guide to Submitting Assignments and watch the provided video to learn the submission process. The process is similar to sending an e-mail with an attached file. 

Your instructor will tell you if your submission will be scanned for originality using SafeAssign Plagiarism Tools

Step 3 - Check My Grades

Once you have submitted your assignment, check your course's My Grades tool to verify that the assignment was received by your course's Grade Center. 

If your instructor has added annotations to a document through Bb Annotate, you may download the annotations to view offline.