4Acacia   Learning Update

Central idea: Transportation systems can be developed to meet the needs of a community

In maths this week we have been working really hard with our decimals and looking at tenths and hundredths. The children have really understood this and are using all their skills to help them answer some more problem-solving questions. In reading we have started our new book 'Future Friends' and the children are enjoying the futuristic style it is set in and imagining what the future will look like. We have all written biographies of people who inspire them and the children have done some good research and used the skills they have learnt all year to write an amazing piece of writing about their person.

Within inquiry, we have been looking at all the different types of transportation systems and explaining how they are used for all different purposes like for food, travel and for business. Following on from that we completed a travel survey of Marden and turned all of the data into graphs, which all the children really enjoyed doing. Yesterday, we started looking at transport within London and focused on the underground system and how these benefits people in so many different ways from jobs, tourism and supporting traffic. We are looking forward to our trip next week where we will be learning a greater insight into how transportation systems have a huge impact on the farming industry and how food is distributed around the world.


PE on Wednesday with PE kit in school Monday-Friday.

Outdoor learning every Friday and suitable clothing and shoes/wellington boots required.