3/4Elm   Learning Update

Central idea: Economic activities rely on systems of production, exchange and consumption.

Sophie and Verity have achieved excellent results in extra-curricular activities. Sophie was player of the month in her tennis club and Verity achieved Level 1 Award with merit in tap dance. Well done, Sophie and Verity!

Chocolate! Our new inquiry for Module 5 is centred around the ideas of local, national and global, as well as the distribution of goods. So what better way to engage the class than all things chocolatey?! Our inquiry will be centred around the delicious, sweet confectionary.

Our first week focused on the history of chocolate; how it began in Mesoamerica with the Olmecs, Aztecs and Maya; what special part of their cultures chocolate held; how the Europeans discovered it, developed it and ultimately transformed chocolate into the famous, popular and delicious food we enjoy today. We have been planning and writing a non-chronological report about the history and development of chocolate.

Alongside this, our maths work has continued with Year 4s working on decimals and Year 3 on measurement and capacity. The improvements in our weekly times tables scores are profound and everyone should be very proud with how hard they are working.

We have begun our new science topics; Year 3 are learning about light and Year 4 are learning about electricity. We have begun with light sources and what we use electricity for. From there, we moved to how light allows us to see; Year 4 were looking at the dangers of electricity and then constructed a simple circuit, using wires, batteries and light bulbs.