1Spruce    Learning Update

Central idea: People need specific skills and qualities to do different jobs. 

Spruce class have had a wonderful start to Module 5. We have had two exciting visits this week including a Rugbytots workshop and a trip to the heritage centre and library! The children thoroughly enjoyed the Rugbytots workshop and we certainly have some budding rugby players in our class! On Wednesday we went to the library and heritage centre in Marden. We spent lots of time learning about maps and the history of our village, which the children really enjoyed, particularly spotting familiar places in Marden on the maps! 

We have delved into our first line of inquiry into different kinds of jobs. The children have done really well at considering different jobs they are aware of and considering the skills and qualities people need to be successful in these jobs. We have considered different roles adults have around our school and come up with questions in teams to interview these adults. 

We have enjoyed learning about how to write instructions and the children have worked in teams to make a jam sandwich and write a detailed set of instructions to match. 

In maths we have been working hard to count in 2's, 5's and 10's and add these equal groups together, which the children have done fantastically in!