1Willow     Learning Update

Central idea: People need specific skills and qualities to different jobs. 

Over the past two weeks we have begun learning about our new central idea. We began with line of inquiry 1 where we inquired into what the different types of jobs are. Willow class had an amazing base knowledge of jobs already and immediately showed an excitement and passion for their new central idea relating it to their personal lives, what they would like to be when they are older and also speaking about the jobs that adults in their family do. We have interviewed some adults in the school, such as Mrs Mason, the kitchen staff, Miss Holness in the office and even Mrs Penning. We took some time to think about what we wanted to know and then carefully planned our questions. 

On Monday we had a great time giving rugby a go with Rugbytots. The children really showed what fantastic sports stars they could be. Well done Willow class!

In maths we have been making equal groups, adding equal groups as well as counting in 2s 5s and 10s. 

Please remember to label all of your child's belongings including their water bottles.