1Willow     Learning Update

Central idea: Learning about history can help us understand the present.

Over the past 2 weeks we have been busy diving deeper into our inquiry. We have learnt about what life could have been like for a child living in the 1940's. We have looked at ration booklets and the scarcity of food and alongside this we have made rock cakes to understand the types of food that families may have baked. We have brought in our favourite toys and looked at the differences between toys now and in the 1940's.

We have used atlases to understand where children may have lived in the 1940's and to find important cities across the United Kingdom. 

In maths we have been learning about measurement. We have weighed objects using scales, measured our friends using informal measurement and we have taken a walk around the school discovering heavy and light objects. 

Please remember to label all of your child's belongings that may come to school including their water bottle and packed lunch.