1Spruce    Learning Update

Central idea: Learning about history help us to understand the present.

Over the last fortnight in Spruce class we have been delving further into our learning about how understanding history can help us understand the present by learning more about life in the 1940's. To do this we have been using our core text 'Peepo' and learning more about what life was like for children during this time. We have learnt about rationing and had to visit Miss Rogerson and Mrs Hill's shop to buy ingredients to make rock cakes with rationing coupons! The children worked together collaboratively to decide what ingredients they would need from a recipe and then what they could buy with the number of coupons they had. We then made the rock cakes and enjoyed eating these together! We have also been exploring how toys have changed throughout the decades and enjoyed showing our friends our favourite toys and playing with old toys such as a rubiks cube, a slinky, board games and wooden toys. This week we have been learning about evacuation and the children have been working towards writing a diary entry as a child during WW2 who will be evacuated to the countryside. We have had lots of excellent discussion about this and the children have shown creativity in their writing by writing in role. This has also led onto lots of learning about rural places and cities and the children have used atlases and maps to find out more about the United Kingdom. 

In maths we have moved onto learning about length and measure and have taken our learning outside, comparing the lengths of natural objects in teams. We have also been using scales to weigh different items in the classroom. 

We have enjoyed lots of exciting things over the last week, such as World Book Day and our Mother's day event. The children loved dressing up and loved making clay pots for their Mums!