Oak        Learning Update

Central idea: Humans can explore their environment to understand the world around them. 

Line of inquiry one: An inquiry into what you can see, hear and feel whilst outside. 

Although it has been cold, we wrapped up warm and headed outside to explore our school environment further. We focused on using our senses whilst outside, our sight, hearing and touch in particular. 

All children were curious about their surroundings and their discussion and vocabulary choices have impressed the adults greatly. 

Leonard: "I can hear the crunchy leaves."

Xander: "I can see the squirrels jumping from tree to tree."

Imogen: " I can hear the birds singing and tweeting."

To further encourage the children to immerse themselves in the outdoor environment we took time to be still and silent. We lay on the grass, closed our eyes and listened to the world around us. 

Sophia: "I can hear a train coming."

Luana: "I can hear the wind rustling in the trees."

We used our phonic knowledge to record what we could see, hear and feel whilst outside.

Using our sketch books,  we explored the colour green. We used watercolour, poster paint and oil pastels to explore the differences in colour and the media itself.

Louie said: "I like this bright green. It reminds me of a lime."

Oliver said: "If I rub the pastels, the colours mix up. I've made a new colour!"


On Tuesday, we will be visiting Bedgebury Pinetum. If you haven't already done so, please ensure your consent form is complete. 

All children are required to wear school uniforms. All children will need a warm coat, hat and comfortable footwear.