3Beech   Learning Update

Central idea: The earth's physical processes may influence people's lives.

We have had such an industrious first two weeks getting really stuck into our new inquiry.  Children have learnt about physical and human features and we have begun to consider how these are affected by physical processes of the earth.  You will see children's beautiful plasticine models of the earth's layers, which has helped us to understand how the tectonic plates are continually moving.  We have used our research skills and then written up our notes ready to present our work in our special pop-up information globes.

We have also explored the physical features of Antarctica to help us plan and write our own adventure story about the dangers of being a scientist when studying Mount Erebus!  We have only written the opening of our stories, but already, children have shown such maturity in their level of independence and engagement.

In maths we have been learning how to use a written method to multiply 2 digit numbers by a one digit number.  I have been so impressed with their ability to use their times tables knowledge and the related facts to support calculations.

We are so excited about our trip to the Natural History Museum next week.  Thank you so much to all out parents who have offered help for the day - I will be giving you the itinerary and key safety points before Tuesday to make sure we can enjoy a really super day out.

Please, please make sure your child has their named PE kit in on Monday.  It needs to stay at school all week so that children can be prepared for their PE lessons.

We will soon be designing and making our own volcano models.  Please collect and send in newspaper and empty 500ml plastic water bottles.  Thank you.