4Acacia   Learning Update

Central idea: The suitability to settle may be determined by people's knowledge of the Earth's geological features

Sienna, Bill-John and Riley .MOV
Josiah, Aidan and Jasper.MOV
Vera, Lilly and Edith .MOV
Lulu, Poppy and Lucia .MOV

It has been a great first two weeks back to the term. In maths, we have been continuing with our multiplications and division, where we have seen huge progress in the children being able to recall times tables much more fluently. In reading, we have started our new class book 'Children of the Mine' which is all about children in Victorian times who worked in the mines. We have enjoyed the start of this and cannot wait to see what more stories we find out in the next couple of weeks. 

Writing this week we have been learning about play scripts and writing our own playscripts based on our last class story. The children got into character when performing their plays to the rest of the class and took the roles of their characters well. 

In Inquiry, we have been comparing 6 cities in the UK to see what they all have in common and what they have which is specific to that city. From this, we have started looking at the Titanic, which the children have been so intrigued by. They have begun to research the story of the Titanic to support them with their inquiry next week, where we will look at how the different cities within the UK came together to build this ship.