3/4Elm   Learning Update

Central idea: Forces of nature can move our world in many ways

A busy start to the new year has seen the class begin their new inquiry into how the world works. Our first line of inquiry has been about the development of technology. The classes' first understanding of technology was about our electronic devices, such as TVs, tablets, phones and gaming consoles. However, the deeper we explored technology the more we realised that technology is much more than that. We reminded ourselves of the technologies available to Stone Age man, such as stone tools, and how they developed into making and shaping metals, and developed into the wide variety of materials we have at our disposal today.

The key themes we have investigated so far are the inventions of the telephone (communication), the car (transport), the computer and the television (entertainment and sharing of information). We discovered that the first of each of these inventions was nothing like what we use today! We placed the dates of these inventions on timelines and we began producing a digital information poster about them.

In our art lessons, we are studying collage at the moment, and in our previous lesson, the class tried creating a simple collage using pieces of cut coloured paper and glueing them to make a face.

The class have been reading Harley Hitch and the Iron Forest in our reading lessons. It is a story about a fictitious place called Inventia, where people invent incredible robots and machines. Unfortunately, Harley always seems to get into trouble, receiving detention in the very first lesson of the new term!