1Willow     Learning Update

Central idea: The weather can affect how people live. 

It has been another busy week in Willow Class as we have begun going deeper into our inquiry. This week we have had time to observe the weather over a full week and keep track of it on our weather chart. It was very exciting for all of us when it snowed and we were able to link that with our current learning of weather and different climates. The children created windsocks and had such fun watching as the direction of the wind changed.  In reading rainbows we have been reading a book 'If winter comes tell it I am not here' the children have had a great time on winter walks and exploring all the different features of winter. 

In maths we have been working on a number line to 20. The children this week have been estimating along the  number line to 20. 

As the weather is colder please send you child in with a coat and a hat. All items must be labelled.