5Chestnut  Learning Update

Central idea: Technology constantly evolves to progress human societies.

Demonstrating the Sun's rotation as it orbits the Earth in an anti-clockwise direction.

We have nearly completed our first line of inquiry, which has allowed the children to explore what is meant by 'scientific and technological development'.  They have thought about the definition of the word technology, and how it dates back to the tools used by early man, not just the digital devices that we use today.  Also in this line of inquiry, they have learnt how the development of science and technology has enabled us to have more accurate theories on the formation of the Solar System, and the relationship that Earth has with the Sun and the Moon.

In maths, we have been working on long multiplication.  We have learnt how to multiply 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.  We have used the grid method and column method in our learning.  The children have had to think carefully, as there are multiple steps involved in the methods, and we have practised our times tables to support us in our working out too.

In English, we have been drafting travel brochures to persuade people to visit our made-up islands.  We have used rhetorical questions, persuasive openers and alluring adjectives in our writing.  The children have had some fantastic ideas which they have enjoyed using in their work.