Oak        Learning Update

Central idea: Shelter, for humans and animals, is a basic need. 

We started our inquiry with understanding what a shelter is. Team Oak decided that a shelter was a place to stay dry, feel safe, eat and sleep. We also found out that a shelter can be made of many different materials. For example, a house is built using bricks and a nest is constructed using moss, twigs and feathers. 

We were keen to find some shelters in our school environment so we went for a walk. We found a bird house, a spider web and lots of minibeast activity around and under logs. 

When we returned to the classroom we decided to make a new shelter for our school's minibeasts. We decided to make a bug hotel. 

We used the loose parts in the classroom to plan and create a bug hotel as well as designing what we would need to create it. Throughout the week we have been collecting sticks and grass from the outside area and Trevor, our site manager, has provided palettes, hay and logs. Next week we are looking forward to creating a comfortable home for our school's insects. 

With the UN World Wildlife day taking place on Sunday 3rd March, the children in Team Oak have been enthusiastic about creating homes for insects and animals we share our environment with.