5Cedar   Learning Update

Central idea: Migrants and explorers both influence, and are influenced by, the world around us.

This module, we are studying where we are in place and time. 

The children have worked hard diving into their research into what migration is and why people migrate. The class wrote about the push and pull factors and were able to link their learning to a previous module which we learnt about refugees. As part of line of inquiry one, using their geography skills, the children labelled rivers in the UK and the rest of the world. They enjoyed finding facts about rivers and creating a fact file. At the end of inquiry, children recorded a news clip on what migration is demonstrating their understanding. 

Cedar class have started reading their core text 'The Viking Boy' which has influenced their diary entry writing this week. They have shown excellent emotive language and are becoming more confident in using a range of grammar and punctuation. 

In maths, the children have enjoyed learning about decimals and have demonstrated their understanding in place value. Cedar have thoroughly enjoyed recapping their knowledge and being challenged on their timetable especially 6, 7 and 8s. 

Reminder: To practise timetable everyday on TTRS and spellings on Edshed.