Juniper Learning Update

Central idea: Personal choices can impact the environment. 

This module our transdisciplinary theme is 'Sharing the Planet'. We have started with an inquiry into the different things that can affect the environment.  First of all, we needed to look at what an environment is and an exploration into the different environments around the world. The children made links to our previous learning on the rainforests in module 4 and the deserts which we looked at in module 3 in addition to that we have shown a keen interest into polar regions and the ocean.  Team Juniper have used google earth to find different oceans, deserts, polar regions and forests looking at the different colours that might represent these on the maps. We are moving onto reading the text 'The Odd Fish' by Naomi Jones which looks at the impact that plastic has on our oceans. 

Jersey: "The yellow is the desert." 

Lucy: "The blue can be the oceans and the green can be the forest." 

Lucy used her phonic knowledge to write signs for each of the different environments and Jersey drew pictures to go with the writing. 

"It's a sad plastic bottle fish, like the one in our story." - Oliver

"That is me picking litter out of the sea to help the fish." - Esme

"It is the ocean with jelly fish and fish. There is a net in the sea they could get stuck in." -Freya