6Elm      Learning Update

Central idea: Access to equal opportunities can shape communities and make a difference in the world.

The children have done an excellent job this week of working hard to produce some great pieces of work, as well as starting the research to their exhibition - despite the very hot weather! For our writing, they have continued to write their narrative 'Alma' based on an animation that we have used to create mystery and suspense. They have all enjoyed this piece of writing and are keen to be able to share them at some point.

We have thought hard as a year group to create a central idea for this year's inquiry exhibition. This is centred around equal access to opportunities and resources and the whole cohort are now split into groups according to the line of inquiry which they would like to pursue. Already, there have been some very thought-provoking conversations amongst the children and some evident passion centred around their inquiries. I look forward to the children putting these ideas into action over the coming weeks, and getting creative to produce some showcase pieces of work.  

As always, the Kent Safety in Action day provided the children with some valuable life-saving information which I hope they will remember. Please encourage the children to share some of this information from the day with you as it will help them to remember it and to use it when necessary.