6MonkeyPuzzle Learning   Update

Central idea: Access to equal opportunities can shape communities and make a difference in the world.

Our Learning This Week

Much of our learning this week has been centred around our exhibition. The exhibition is an event where pupils get the opportunity to present and share their understanding of a topical, real-life global issue they have studied in depth. The children get autonomy and agency over their learning, choosing the theme of their learning content and how they present this. Centred around access to equal opportunities, we have linked the learning to the UN sustainable development goals. This has meant that children are exploring issues governments around the world are working to rectify like access to clean water, education, minimising discrimination and expelling poverty. The children are very excited about this project and have already gained some excellent knowledge they will share in July.

We have also extended our learning of the impacts of conflict, learning about rationing and evacuation, and thinking about how this shaped society during wartime and the effect these things had on people. In addition, we have been working on a written piece inspired by the animation, 'Alma.' The children have been exploring new language and sentence structures and have produced some wonderful written pieces.