Sports News

Sponspored Althete Visit

On Thursday 19th January, GB bobsleigh Olympian, Montell Douglas, will be visiting the school! We are all so excited about this opportunity for the children to take part in a circuit with her and hear all about her sports career. This will be a sponsored event where money raised goes towards new equipment to enrich learning. Sponsorship forms have been sent home today. Please return the completed forms by Wednesday 18th January.

Upcoming Events

KS2 Girls Football vs. Langley Park - postponed due to pitch conditions

Year 3/4 Dodgeball Tournament - Monday 5th December

KS1 Football vs Tiger - Monday 12th December

KS1 Football vs Barming - Monday 16th January

Sponsored Athlete Visit - Thursday 19th January

Year 3 Netball @ Dulwich - Thursday 26th January

Year 4 Hockey @ Dulwich - Thursday 9th March