6MonkeyPuzzle Learning Update

Central idea: Architecture, as a form of expression, reflects culture and history.

Our Learning This Week

This week, through Inquiry, we have been learning about sustainable architecture and eco-friendly buildings. We have considered their features and why they are more environmentally friendly before designing our own eco-friendly structures.

We have also been focusing on the skill of narrative writing in preparation for writing our own narratives next week. We have learned and constructed a variety of sentence types and really thought about the precise selection of language that we can use to engage the reader and bring a story to life in the reader's imagination.

In addition, we have continued to practise djembe drumming ready for our Key Stage 2 concert next week and continued our learning of fractions in maths.


This week, we have sent home CGP learning packs. The books are designed to support children learning at home, supplementing what we do in school and to embed the learning that has taken place in school to ensure our children are in the best position to succeed and show their best in the SATs papers in May. Please use the books at your leisure to reinforce learning and support your child at home.

We will also refer to these in our homework and will ask for children to complete designated pages and to bring them in to school so we can see how they have done and address any misconceptions they may have.