3Beech Learning Update

Central idea: Expression can be influenced by our values.

This week we have continued our understanding of different cultural values. We have looked at Cypriot Bichrome as a historical artefact but also the children discussed how this was a form of art, which is also a form of expression. The children produced a timeline of the development of Cypriot pottery and have experimented with clay. By the end of the week they have all produced their own inspired piece of Bichrome ware pottery!

In maths we have continued focusing on multiplying and dividing, specifically by 3 and 4.

The children are so engaged with our guided reading text 'Secret suffragette' and are so enthusiastic to continue reading as well as find out more about the Suffragettes!

The children are putting together an art exhibition to showcase all their work. We would love to see as many of you there as possible. Friday 9th December at 3:15 in the classroom.