6Elm Learning Update

Central idea: Architecture as a form of expression reflects culture and history.

There is lots going on in year 6 as we approach the end of term, and of course, as we nearer the festive period. With great enthusiasm, the children are having lots of fun practising the djembe drums in preparation for the KS2 performance at the church, in which we hope everyone can attend.

We have focused on eco architecture in our inquiry this week. Mainly concentrating on how modern day builds and architecture are centred around having as little impact on the environment as possible. The children have absolutely loved exploring green-roofed buildings and they have produced some interesting designs of their own of which they are hoping to live in themselves one day!

We continue to work on fractions involving the four operations whilst also working out fractions of amounts. We are encouraging the children to practise multiplying and dividing fractions as much as possible!


This week, we have sent home CGP learning packs. The books are designed to support children learning at home, supplementing what we do in school and to embed the learning that has taken place in school to ensure our children are in the best position to succeed and show their best in the SATs papers in May. Please use the books at your leisure to reinforce learning and support your child at home.

We will also refer to these in our homework and will ask for children to complete designated pages and to bring them in to school so we can see how they have done and address any misconceptions they may have.