Oak Learning Update

Central idea: People communicate to share knowledge and experiences.

We've had a wonderful week in Oak class. As many of you may be aware, we welcomed a very special member of our team. This week a package was delivered to our classroom by Mrs Rawling. After opening it we realised that we had a new class bear to look after. After a class discussion, we decided that we needed to name the bear. All children used their phonics skills to write down their ideas for names. The name that was picked out of the hat was...... Rosie. Over the week children have taken turns to show her around our school. Today, Jaxon and Iris have spent a long period of time teaching her to read

Line of inquiry one: An inquiry into different ways you can communicate with others.

Through our inquiry we have looked at ways in which we communicate with others and this has lead us to think about our emotions. This week, we have used the Colour Monster story to reflect on our emotions and think about when we may feel different emotions. I have been particularly impressed with the mature discussions we have had this week.

Sophia said: "I feel calm when it is quiet."

Freddie said: "I feel calm when I am outside."

Later on in the week we have focused on using our phonic knowledge and skills to segment words and write letters in the correct sequences. Mr Reynolds and I have been blown away with the writing progress we have seen. Keep up the outstanding work Team Oak!


Please can ALL children have their PE kits in school on Monday ready for our session on Tuesday - Thank you.