2Maple Learning Update

Central idea: Artforms can be used to express ideas and feelings.

We have enjoyed a very industrious week this week! We have begun to inquire into the different artforms, considering expression, imagination and how this is shown in music, painting, drawing, dance, theatre and even poetry. Children have had the opportunity to question, wonder, research and write in order to discover greater understanding about these artforms.

We have begun to look at the life of Wassily Kandinsky in our key text 'The Noisy Paintbox', as well as responding to the colours, shapes and lines in his art through our own dance expression, but also in our exploration of the colour wheel.

In maths we have been counting up and back in tens from different starting points, as well as adding to 2-digit numbers using our knowledge of number bonds and tens. Our science learning has filled the children with wonder as we began to explore everyday materials and their uses: our first job was to go on a journey through the school to find things made of wood, whilst also considering why wood is a suitable material to use.

Please ensure children bring their PE kits in at the start of the week and keep it at school all week so that it is available for PE lessons.