6Elm Learning Update

Central idea: Architecture as a form of expression reflects culture and history.

Inspired by the artist 'Sunga Park.'

What fantastic inquirers the children have been this week! Continuing with our learning of the core principles of architecture, whilst also embarking on our second line of inquiry, the children have begun to learn about the development of architecture through history. We have used our core text, Wonderscape, to envisage being transported to the realm of ancient Egypt. Here, we have been able to use our creative writing skills to produce a setting description, whilst considering the incredible structure of the pyramids as one of the earliest forms of architecture. We are going to continue with a timeline of architecture through historical periods.

We have been working very hard in maths to add and subtract mixed fractions. The children have been recapping their skills of finding the lowest common multiple to find a common denominator in order to complete their calculations.

This unit of inquiry allows the children to be very expressive and creative, with many opportunities to produce artwork. Just over these two weeks of this module, I have had the pleasure of watching the children develop their drawing skills and grow in confidence to produce sketches that they are very proud of. I look forward to seeing the children grow further in creativity.