3/4Cedar Learning Update

Central idea: Literature can drive our appreciation of culture.

This week we have been exploring maps. We have looked at key landmarks around the world, such as longest rivers and European mountain ranges. We have marked these in the correct location on our maps, research and shared information about some of these rivers and mountains. We have then explored compass work, labelling the directions and using this information to compare the location of two cities in England. With these maps skills secured, we were then able to begin to map out our journey across Europe. We marked the cities that we wanted to visit and created a scale for our maps. With this information we were able to give directions from one destination to the next using our compass skills and to scale accuracy.

In maths year 3 have continued their learning with addition and subtraction. We have exchanged from the ones and tens to complete addition using the column method. We have begun to look at exchanging from the tens and hundreds to complete subtraction in the column method. In year 4 we have been learning about area, counting squares to work out the area for each given shape.