Oak Learning Update

Central idea: Our likes and dislikes make us who we are.

This week, we have moved into Line of Inquiry 2: An inquiry into how our likes make us unique. We have moved away from the activities, people and objects that we like and we have started to talk about our special talents.

Throughout the week, we have spoken at length about our talents and how some of our team share similar talents and some have unique talents. Hudson's love and knowledge of leopards has left many children fascinated. We are looking forward to performing an Early Years talent show over the coming weeks.

While playing outside, Oscar, Iris and Edith have shared their love and talent for cooking in the mud kitchen. Together they have selected resources and 'ingredients' to make a feast for their friends.


Please remember to bring our decodable books back on Monday and Thursday so they can be changed.

PE is on Tuesday afternoons, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school.