3/4Cedar Learning Update

Central idea: Balance in our lives can promote health, wellbeing and contentment.

This week we have completed our research on what a healthy lifestyle consists of by looking at muscles and movement. We identified the muscles that we have in our bodies, their functions and how they work to keep us healthy. We then conducted an experiment to answer the question 'Do some people have stronger muscles because they use them more?' To find the answer to this question the children worked in groups to complete a series of exercises that involved jumping, running and lifting. They compared their results against the number of hours that they exercise each week on a scatter graph. These results confirmed the prediction that people do have stronger muscles through regular exercise.

In maths we have explored roman numerals, forming them using lollipop sticks and then answering a range of questions using this knowledge. We have also continued to work on number lines, counting up in different intervals and estimating the location of numbers.

In guided reading we have been following Maia on her journey down The River Sea to reach the house of her aunt and uncle, the Carters, we have been doing a character study of the Carter and predicting what her stay with them will be like. We have researched foods that are native to Brazil, where Maia now lives.