6Elm Learning Update

Central idea: Identity and thinking can be influenced through the media.

Our inquiry has taken us in an interesting direction this week and we have been thinking about whether or not we can experience 'propaganda' through the media. As a way of exploring this, the class designed their own xenotransplantation advertisements, with a view for being either for or against the procedure. It has been truly fascinating to hear their thoughts and to witness the children being so careful with their considerations and respectful with their opinions.

We are also in the process of writing a broadcast script for a news report, where the children are imagining what responses Dr Bryce (from our class text), may have to questions about xenotransplantation. We will be filming and editing the reports using Adobe.

We have been working on finding multiples and written methods of multiplication in maths. This does require the children to have fluency in their number and tables facts, which we are practising in class. Any opportunities to practise at home would also benefit the children greatly!