Oak Learning Update

Central idea: Our likes and dislikes make us who we are.

Mr Reynolds and I are so proud of Team. All children have transitioned well into school and into full time education.

This week we have continued our inquiry and we have looked at our likes and dislikes. Many children have spoken fondly about their family pet and have realised they have shared interests with others which has supported positive relationships being made.

Jaxon, Wren and Iris have discovered their shared love of painting this week. Together they have explored colour mixing while talking about experiences that remind them of these colours. They are excellent communicators.

Next week we look forward to sharing another shared interest with all of our parents - singing. You are all invited to our Early Years concert on Friday 30th September 2022 from 14:45 - 15:15 in the school hall. A flyer will be emailed to you with more details.

Our first PE session will take place on Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their named PE kit and plimsolls/ black trainers in school.