Juniper Learning Update

Central idea: Our likes and dislikes make us who we are.

Team Juniper should be so pleased with themselves in their continued perseverance while adjusting to life in reception.

The early years children have been phonics superstars this past fortnight! We have been learning new sounds and practising tricky words daily. There has been lots of phonics fun in class this week through writing our new sounds on large paper with coloured pens on the floor, in gloop (cornflour and water), multi-coloured rice and shaving foam.

Last week we continued to explore 'The Lion and The Bird' Archie suggested that we could make a birds nest in the hope that the bird would return to stop the lion feeling sad. Oliver reenacted the scene from our text when the lion goes to sleep with the birds bed next to him, he wore a lion mask and got cosy with some cushions making a great lion. In our home corner the children have been grinding, cutting and pouring seeds into our bird food container and moulding lion food from playdough to feed the characters in our story. Penelope said "we could feed this to the real birds" which gave us the idea to make real bird feeders to hang in our outdoor area, how very caring.

This week we started a new text 'My Pet Goldfish' by Catherine Rayner. The children have enjoyed the vibrant illustrations in this book, encouraging the class to use a range of mark-making materials and paint colour mixing to create illustrations from our book. We made our own fish using tin foil which we were able to add to their water play. The character in this story really liked his pet fish, prompting us to talk about the pets in our family homes and pets that we would like to have.


  • Reading books are sent home on Thursdays and should be returned back to school on Mondays along with their signed bookmark.

  • Next week we look forward to sharing another shared interest with all of our parents - singing. You are all invited to our Early Years concert on Friday 30th September 2022 from 14:45 - 15:15 in the school hall. A flyer will be emailed to you with more details.

  • Our first PE session will take place on Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their named PE kit and plimsolls/ black trainers in school.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Chadwick